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TW: slur words

"Oh yes my bad. He is Remus John Lupin, the topper of the college literally in every subject, he is best player after James, second captain of the team and a bisexual mess. He is also our friend, we will introduce you to both of them after game. They both are nice don't worry" Peter tells him, Sirius nodded and smile over Remus.

He is so handsome I can look at him forever . Sirius thought, "Stop looking over him you faggot, he is mine" Sirius thoughts were interrupted by a scary voice of a girl. Sirius look over her and gets scared with anger in her eyes.

"Hey shut up, he didn't even said anything to you" Another girl shouted, Sirius eyes a filling with tears he didn't know what that word means but he assume its a bad word because people start laughing at him.

"Fuck off Amey, Remus will never see you in that way if you continue to hurt his friends" Lily said while Peter looked worried seeing Sirius like this.

"Hey sorry about her, she is a idiot. I am Marlene and this is my friend Dorcas" Marlene introduce,

"I am Lily' roommate and she is Peter' girlfriend Mary' roommate, they both lives beside our room" she continued, Sirius smile

"Peter' girlfriend" Sirius asked

"Oppss as usual I forget to tell you who she is. Please don't tell her guys" Peter laughs,

"There can you see, the head cheer leader, yes she is my Mary, my love, my life, my everything. I love her so much. Please don't tell her that I forget to introduced her" Peter said, Sirius can see Peter' pink face, he really love her

The match got over and Hogwarts wins. They are waiting in cafeteria for football team and Mary to come to discuss about the party, which obviously Remus and James are throwing at there room. Sirius was sitting their uncomfortably, he don't know what party with friends is, he never went any, he only know what formal dinners are.

"And here comes our kings, cmon guys clap" Lily shouted as soon she sees James, Remus and other enter the room. Lily jumped over James and they both hug tightly. James pulled away and Lily gives him the winning kiss.

"Eww, heteros" Remus said and everyone laughs except Sirius.

"Yeah so after party, Remus please go to Peter' room" James said, all laugh. Sirius didn't understand anything he is just sitting there looking over them with blank face.

"No I got a roommate finally, but Yeah I will be at Mary' and Marlene will be at Dorcas so you can be in my room. And yes before I forgets he is Sirius my new roommate" Peter said and gesture towards a shy boy.

"Hey man" James said and Sirius smile. Remus sits infront of Sirius just staring him, he has very gorgeous grey eyes, his lips are so pink and looks so soft, he wants to taste them. His face structure is so sharpy but he looks so sweet like innocent small bean. Remus sigh, he can't bear to see this much of cuteness all together.

Sirius gets a little uncomfortable in the start but after seeing in Remus' amber eyes he find peace, warmth, love and home. He feels comfortable, just staring at his beautiful eyes, beautiful faces and soft pink lips. Sirius heard Remus sigh and he thinks maybe he don't like him.

"Crushing on eachother," James said jokingly. Remus blush and looks down.

"I am sorry" Sirius said his voice is breaking, he is on the edge of crying.

"I should leave." Sirius said and starting to get up. Remus hold his wrist and first time in long timel he didn't get scared instead he like the way Remus' hand feel around his wrist.

"Hey whats wrong, cutie?" Remus asked.

"You also think I am, I am a faggot" Sirius said in very breaking voice, and all of them start laughing expect Remus.

"See they also thinks that, that's why there are laughing" Sirius start crying.

"Hey stop crying, and shut up guys. Lets go to my and James' room. C'mon. Peter take his stuff" Remus said and softly drags Sirius with him.

Everyone gets inside and sits in the room with Remus and Sirius. James and Lily are cuddling so is Peter and Mary. Marlene and Dorcas are sitting and talking about party.

"Sirius who said you are a faggot?" Remus asked softly but Sirius can sense anger in his voice,

"We were sitting on the bench, when this girl comes and shouted at me. Stop staring over him you faggot and people around me started laughing" Sirius said between sobs.

"Who was she?" Remus asked again.

"I- I don't know" Sirius replied.

"Its okay have water" Remus said and gives him water.

"Lils, who was she?" Remus asked Lily while softly combing Sirius' hair.

"Amey who else you think" Lily replied, she saw how Sirius didn't get sacred with Remus' touch. She nugde Peter and they both just smile.

Sirius put his head in Remus' laps, his eyes are so drowsy with sleep. Remus continue combing his hair softly while he sleeps.

"You think he knows what a faggot means?" Remus asked.

"Nah I don't think because I had told him that you are bisexual mess" Peter said, and Remus nodded.

"Let him sleep here, we can have party at Lily and Marlene" Remus said and other agrees.

"But where are you going" Lily asked when she sees Remus leaving the room.

"To take care of some things" Remus snapped,

"Mate I don't think its the right time" James said, Remus gives him the confuse look.

"We had seen him, he doesn't react so calmly at someone' touch expect yours. So i don't think its a good idea to leave him alone here with us. He will start crying again if you will not be here after he wakes up" Lily explained, Remus tries to progress the information.

"We always have tomorrow Rem, we will deal with her tomorrow. You stay here with him, we are going to Lily' room for setting the party" James said and they left.

Remus tug Sirius nicely in his bed with one of his sweater and he goes lay down on James' bed, admiring Sirius soft and peaceful face. He really wants to kiss him but he didn't know if he is gay or not. He so innocent and pure, Remus can literally die for him. Maybe finally Remus as a crush on someone maybe everyone is right.

They were both sleeping in the presence of eachother. It was a peaceful sleep which they have very had in a while. Just by being in the same room, can bring peace in there life.

"Rem, Remus" Someone calls softly through the door,

"Wtf Remus!!!" Someone shouted making Remus awake and Sirius jump. Sirius holds the sweater tightly and shiveres with terror.

"Wtf is he doing here" the voice shouted again, making Sirius whimper.

"Will you just leave us alone for one second you faggot" the voice continued, Sirius weeps and starting to pick up his stuffs.

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