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It's been 2 weeks since Valentines, Remus and Sirius have become more and more close and happy in love day by day. But happiness doesn't last long right, or atleast this news was happy to Sirius but still he is upset and emotional.

Yesterday Sirius received two envelopes from his family side. He didn't open them though because he knew what's in that. In one there is paper of officially being disowned and he thought maybe in second it is a letter from his parents, a awful letter though.

But today, as it is friday night he thought of opening because if he gets upset atleast he will have 2 days from recovering from it. He is sitting on his bed with both envelopes infront of him and waiting for Remus to come back from James' room.

"Heyy love, what you doing?" Remus said and lock the door behind. He goes to Sirius and kiss his forehead, Sirius smiles at him and point at envelopes. "You are opening them" Remus asked and sits beside him, Sirius nodded. "Okay, just remember we are here and we love you. I love you soo much okay no need to get upset." Remus said and kiss his cheek.

Sirius opens the first envelope it was from court so he knew they are papers of being disowned. He opens it and reads it, snuggling into Remus, Remus put his arm around Sirius waist pulling him close.


Sirius Orion Black.
Eldest son of Blacks,
Hogwarts University,

Date: 27 February 2018

Subject: Disowned by Blacks

It's an officially letter from Court to infrom you that, that you have been disowned by your parents, Orion and Walburga Black. You are no longer a Black and you have no rights on their family money or properties.

As your are still studying in Hogwarts university, as a policy government will pay your university fees but you have to do get job for your own expenses.

If you have any questions or you don't agree with your parent's decision then you can reach us.

Do sign the attachments and sent them back to court.

Justice of High Court
20 February 2018


Remus was reading the letter along with Sirius, after every line he would hold Sirius a little tight pulling him more close and kiss his hair to tell him that he is here for him.

Sirius was crying silently while reading the court letter and attachments. He signs the paper without any delay.

"Love are you okay. You know you can do this tomorrow also" Remus said very softly and kiss his head, Sirius shakes his head "No, the more sooner the more better" Sirius replies and continue signing.

When he was done he fold the papers and put it in the envelope. He put it aside, Remus give him water, he takes it and smiles at him. Sirius drinks the water and takes a deep breath before picking second envelope. There are more papers in the envelope with a letter, photo and a small pouch.



My dear nephew, I am sorry to hear what those bastards did to you (Sorry for my language, but they deserve it). Anyways, did you remember me I am your uncle Alphard.

Currently I am in Rome will come to London soon, we can catch up. But that's not why I am writing this letter though, I am writing this to tell you that, that you are not alone in this big world okay. I am always there for you.

I also got disowned by our lovely family for same reason as your's. I don't think you remember it because you were like 6-7 at time but I used to be your favorite uncle and you were my favorite child, you are still.

I had made a bank account from your name and send you details in the envelope. As soon as you will pass the college you will be the owner of my business also. You don't have to worry about money or living.

I have transferred my London flat to your name, in this envelope you will find all the papers and flat key. Keep everything safe okay.

But I am not going to give everything with this much ease, so you have to work for yourself. Because working and able to stand on your own is very important. And yes if you want you can change your majors from business to arts, I will talk with Albus.

Don't worry and feel sad Sirius, our family will never understand us. But you have me atleast, I didn't had anyone back then. Live happily.

Do reply to me Sirius and do tell me about that boy also because of him you got disowned.

I know you will be in shock that how I know everything but I have contacts in London son. And I love you so much, I always knew you are different from them, that's why I always had kept a eye on you.

Don't worry Sirius,


Sirius is in shock after reading this letter, he quickly empty the envelope on the bed and looks the papers and key. Remus is looking at Sirius with confusion on his face, Sirius pass the letter to Remus.

"Holy shit baby, you are rich." Remus said and laughs, Sirius also snort. "Fuck Sirius, this flat is in the posh area of London." Remus said after reading the flat papers.

"I didn't knew someone loved me from my family." Sirius said honestly, "Love is small word Sirius. Your uncle adores you, he is giving you everything without even meeting with you. I already like your uncle." Remus said and kiss his forehead.

"Will you help me with everything, I don't know anything Re." Sirius asked. "Of course, do you wanna change your majors." Remus asked.

"Um no, I mean I don't know anything about business and he said that he will pass everything to me. He is doing so much for me, I can atleast study business for him." Sirius replies and looks at Remus, Remus nodded after thinking for few seconds.

"We can go next week to see your flat." Remus said and Sirius agrees. "For now, lets go and tell everyone about good news." Remus said and picks up Sirius in his arms, Sirius laughs loudly and nuzzle into Remus' neck.

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