Chapter 23

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The group had arrived in front of the same room where theh first found Licht in the Nightmare World.

'Yesterday the door was locked, and we couldn't get it open.' Leila thought. 'But now...' 

Leila slowly closed her eyes. Just before she reopened them, she recalled what Licht had told her.

'Even if we're in separate worlds, we'll always be connected. I will find you, Licht.'

Leila exhaled, slowly opened her eyes, and approached the door.

"The code is. L0129." She said as she cautiously entered the code.

The sound of the buttons echoed through the gloomy hallway.

'Please work.'

They waited a moment. 


The door clicked open.

The group smiled at one another, breathing a sigh of relief.

"Good job, Leila." Ray said as he gave her a firm pat on the head. "Alright, let's go in. Let's put an end to this and free ourselves from the Nightmare World."

"Let's do it." Subaru said.

They all nodded at each other and stepped into the room.

The records room was cold.

Subaru flicked the switch on, and the fluorescent sputtered for a moment before casting a dim light. A vast space of paperwork welcomed them.

'How are we ever going to read through all of this?'

"Let's split up." Mina suggested.

Ray nodded.

"Start with the oldest ones." He said.

"Roger that." Subaru said.

They all split up moving to different shelves to start searching for any information.

Mina made her way along the bookcases. The hardbound books were arranged by year, so at least it was easy to know where to start.

'I guess I'll start looking at records from thirteen years before the orphanage closed down.' Mina thought.

Her eyes looked up to the top shelf where the earliest records were. They were pretty high up. She couldn't reach them.

They had no time to waste, so she couldn't ask any of the others for help. She had no time to think things through either. So she took a chance and stepped up the wooden ladder beside the shelf. It creaked, but it got the job done.

'As long as I distrubute my weight correctly it shouldn't break.'

She ran her hand along the books.

'This one?'

"Found anything, Mina?"

Mina jolted in surprise at the sudden voice, the movement causing her to lose her balance and she soon felt the pull of gravity pulling her down.

"Woah, hey!"

Anticipating the pain, she squeezed her eyes shut and braced for impact. However, instead of the cold hard floor, she landed on something warm. Slowly, she opened her eyes.

'What in the...?!'

She found herself on top of Ray as she lifted her upper body to see his handsone face.

'He caught me?'

"You okay?" Rayasked in concern.

"Y-Yeah..." Mina replied.

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