Chapter 13

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Leila woke up to find the rays of crimson shining through the window.
The drowsiness still overpowering her, she closed her eyes again. But her sleepiness faded when she realised Mina wasn't with her anymore.

She looked around and quickly realised that she was in the Nightmare World.

'Where is everyone...?' She thought.

She was completely woken up as that thought crossed her mind.

"Licht!" She called out as she bolted up from the couch. "Where are you?"

The recollection of yesterday forced her up, and the sudden rush of blood had her heart beating fast.


She wrenched her head in all directions and worry hit her when she realised that Licht was nowhere in sight.

'Where could he have gone?'


Out of nowhere, she heard a crashing sound from a distance and her mind froze.

'Was that from the kitchen?'

"L-Licht?" Leila called out, more nervously this time. "Is that you?"

Leila tiptoed in that direction, pressing her hands to her chest.

"Licht, you better not be trying to scare me!"

There was no response.


The sound of breaking continued, much louder now as she made her way to the kitchen. Leila grabbed a nearby broom to arm herself as she fearfully approached the kitchen, step by step.


Another loud noise made her jump and she pinned herself against the wall for cover.

'What's going on...?'

Taking a deep breath, Leila clutched the broom tighter.


Instead of a response, she heared what sounded like a menacing growl.

'What should I do? What if Licht's in there and needs help?'

"There's only one way to find out." Leila said.

She steeled her nerves and took a step into the kitchen. Suddenly, something moved behind her.

There was a tap on her shoulder, and she felt the hairs on the back of her neck stand up.

"AAAAAAAAHHH!" She screamed as she wildly swung the broom in all directions. "Get away from me, whatever you are!"

"Leila, calm down."

All at once, Leila felt her broom being held by an unyielding force. She tried to pull it back, but the thing holding onto it was too strong.

Slowly, she opened my eyes to see Licht.

"Licht..." Relieved, Leila fell to the floor.

'Phew... I was so scared. I thought I was done for.'

"You okay?" Licht asked as he extended his hand out towards her.

Leila took his hand and slowly stood up.

"Please don't scare me like that again!"

"I'm sorry, I didn-"


On instinct, Leila clung to Licht. He went stiff for a moment and she could feel his heart pounding in his chest.

"S-Sorry..." Leila apologised as she went to let go, but he stopped her.

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