Chapter 19

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Subaru and Nalalie didn't find Ray and the others and decided to go back to where they were before.

As they exited the jungle-like atrium, the main hall greeted them with a haunting silhouette, the sun setting low behind it.

"We're right back where we started." Subaru observed.

"Really? We came all this way for nothing!" Nalalie exclaimed as she stomped her foot on the ground, letting out a fit of frustration.

'Wandering through that maze was a waste of time!' She thought.

"We still have time." Subaru said with a sigh as he scratched his head.

Nalalie bit her lip and blushed, embarrassed that she'd lost her temper all of a sudden.

Subaru snickered.

"S-sorry." Nalalie apologised. "I-it's not really like me to act like that." 

"You're cute when you get angry, though."

"Oh, please..."

"Yeah, just like that."

Nalalie pouted, refusing to look at him.

"But I don't think you're really angry. You're just really worried that we didn't find Ray and the others."

'As worried as I am...'

Nalalie blushed as she thought back to what happened earlier.

Subaru continued onward. Almost like he'd forgotten about it already.

"Let's check the other areas." Subaru suggested.


With no luck trying to locate Ray, but somehow finding Leila and Mina, the four of them ended up at the entrance to the underground passage. The echoes of their footsteps were the only sound and the chilly air made Nalalie and Leila shiver.

"I'm pretty sure Licht was in one of these rooms the first time we found him in the Nightmare World." Mina asked.

"Yeah, that room over there." Subaru replied as he pointed to a door.

They tried to open the door.

"No good. Looks like we need a passcode." Leila said.

"A dead end, huh?" Subaru said. "Let's check elsewhere."

They resumed their search. As they continued on their way, they were struck by an overpowering scent of what smelled like rusted metal. The smell reminded Leila of Thoma's death, and she couldn't help but gag.

"Guys, look..." Just as Subaru said that, the three girls took notice of the large bloodstain in the old hallway and right next to it was a partially wilted bouquet of flowers.

Mina knelt down as she inspected the puddle a little closer.

"The blood's dry, but it seems relatively fresh. Given how big this puddle is, I doubt whoever it came from is still alive." She observed.

"Who could've done this...?"Leila wondered.

Mina turned to see a name tag on the floor, and she decided to pick it up. It had the name "Silas Ackerman" written on it.

'I feel like I've heard this name before...' Mina thought.

As she was caught up in her thoughts, she suddenly heard Ray's voice from behind.

"Finally, I found you!" He said as he approached the group.

Mina stood up from the ground and glared at him.

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