Chapter 10

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"I'm sorry about this." Licht appologised.

Leila shook her head.

"Dont be. I'm the one who should apologize." She told him. "Sit right there and rest. I'll be right back."

Licht dropped slowly onto the sofa, and Leila dashed to open the cabinets. She opened a drawer and found the first aid kit, before hurrying back to the room where Licht was, only to find him with his eyes closed.

"Licht, stay with me. Please, don't leave me!" Leila lightly panicked.

Licht's eyes opened.

"It's not that bad of an injury. I'm just a little tired, that's all." He assured her.

Putting a hand to her chest, Leila breathed a sigh of relief and started treating his wound. He struggled a little to take his shirt off and she gasped when she saw his wound.

"I'm sorry, Licht..." Leila apologised. "You got hurt because of me..."

"It's not your fault. You were in trouble, and I didn't think- I just acted. I needed to keep you away from harm." Licht told her. "Even though I don't have any memories of you, I wanted to protect you. Maybe it was fate?"

Leila bit her lip, dabbing a disinfected cotton swab on his wound as she wondered how much longer she would be imposing on his kindness. Licht hissed through his teeth at the contact, clearly trying to endure the sting.

'I'm relieved it's not deep, but I know it still hurts.' Leila thought as she felt the corners of her eyes burn, and soon the tears spilled out.

"Leila, look at me." Licht told her.

'Why did this even happen?'

Leila lowered her head and started wiping her eyes, until, out of the blue, she felt Licht's cold hands cup her face.

"Look at me." He repeated, his gaze catching her tear-filled eyes as his hands gently held her in place. "I'm alright."

"I was so scared..." Leila said as he wiped away a tear from under her eye with his thumb.

Licht's touch left her face and found its way to tuck a stray lock of hair behind her ear. He's still as white as a sheet of paper, but he kept the gentle smile on his face.

"Have you calmed down?" He asked her gently.

His eyes cast a bolt into Leila's heart, as if stopping it for a minute.

"Yes..." She sniffled as she secured the bandage over his skin.

Licht sat up next to her. Before she could react, Leila was trapped in his arms.

"Please don't blame yourself." Licht told her.

It was like he could see right through her.

"It was scary and nerve-racking..." He said. "But you came into this house to help me. What would I have done without you? Thank you, Leila."

Leila put her arms around Licht and hugged him back. The scent emanating from him calmed her down, and the gentle touch of his strong hands made her feel safe.

"I'm sorry I didn't get to say it sooner." Leila said and Licht hummed curiously in response. "Thank you for saving me, Licht."

She took comfort in his embrace, and before long, she started to feel sleepy as the faint sound of bells rang through her ears. Before she could even begin to feel scared, she blacked out.


Leila woke up with a headache and a view of an unfamiliar ceiling and she took a moment to process her surroundings.

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