Chapter 20

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Getting on her feet, Leila looked around, and sure enough, they were back in the last place they lost consciousness. They were in Ray's old living room.

"Where's Licht?" She asked curiously.

"He wasn't here when I woke up. He must be hiding or something." Ray scoffed, ferociously running a pen across his notebook.

'What's he doing?' Leila thought.

"I was the first to wake up, but I didn't see Licht either." Subaru said.

"What? No way..." Leila replied.

'Is Licht really guilty then?'

Leila shook her head, trying to curb her suspicions.

'I want to trust him. We won't know anything for sure until we find him.'

"For now, let's-"

'Let's look for Licht' is what Leila was going to say, but Ray interrupted her before she could finish.

"Here, it's done!"

Ray's eyes lit up under the crimson light shining through the window.

"What is that?" Nalalie asked.

"A map." Ray answered. "I tried to recreate the places we've been."

Subaru, Nalalie, Mina and Leila all leaned closer to get a better look at Ray's scribbles.

"What is that?" Subaru repeated Nalalie's question.

"What do you mean?" Ray asked as he held up a notebook full of drawings none of the others could make sense of.

"Everyone says doctors have bad handwriting." Subaru said. "I guess I shouldn't be surprised."

"Are you saying my map sucks?"

"You said it, not me."

Ray looked at his drawing and gave Mina a glance.

"You can understand it, right?"

'He doesn't seem to have the slightest clue how bad it is. That's kind of adorable.'

"You're seriously calling that a map? Really?" Mina replied.

"It's terrible!" Leila added.

"You too? Think you can do better?" Ray retorted, mildly annoyed by everyone's comments about his art skills.

Subaru came closer and took Ray's materials from him.

"You want a map?" Subaru asked. 

Subaru worked across the page like a skilled artist. The lines and curves were so much better, the details making it easy to identify the places.

"Hmph. Show-off." Ray huffed.

"You're one to talk." Subaru replied.

'They're so funny to watch. This is them opening up to each other. That's a relief.'

Leila couldn't help but smile at the unexpected interaction and she glanced over to see the two girls beside her doing the same.

'It's nice to see Mina being a little more open with her emotions. She was so cold and closed off when we were kids. Nalalie seems a lot happier too. Braver, even. I guess that shows how much they're starting to trust us now.'

"But did you guys notice?" Ray said, pulling Leila out from her thoughts.
"Notice what?" Leila asked.

Ray held up Subaru's map, dragging a finger from one end up to the middle.

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