Chapter 6

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The group ended up at Ray's house and he lead them into the living room.

"Just wait here." Ray said, before he started walking away.

"Wow, you sure got a nice place here, Ray." Thoma said as he looked around at the place. "Do you live alone?"

Ray didn't respond and instead walked past the group and into the hallway.

Subaru looked around and seemed to find himself especially interested in the bookshelf.

"Oh look, he was so cute when he was little." Thoma said as he picked up a framed photo of the redhead.

Out of curiosity, Mina and Leila looked over at the photo as well. A smiling woman was stood beside a little boy with a determined smirk on his face.

"Oh! You're right! Look at his cheeks!" Leila said.

"Is this his mother?" Mina asked curiously.

She stared at the picture for a moment longer, before walking away to give Zeus, the German Shepherd she had with her, some attention.

Leila smiled down at the picture when suddenly, Thoma's hands began to tremble.

"We, uh, better put this back..." Thoma said.

For a split second, Leila could've sworn she saw a small sad look on his face. Before she could ask what was wrong, there was a voice from another room.

"I get it, already." Ray's voice sounded through the house from afar and the group soon saw him with a woman dragging a suitcase.

"I'll call you in the morning, alright?" The woman spoke.

"Mm-hmm. Have a safe trip." Ray replied with a nod as he smiled gently at the woman.

'Well, that's new.' Mina thought as she took notice of the smile.

The woman noticed the group and stopped in her tracks.

'It's the same woman from the picture.'

"These are the people I told you about." Ray explained.

"Oh, hello. It's not often that Ray brings his friends over." The woman greeted them kindly. "Unfortunately, I'm on my way out the door for a business trip, but make yourselves at home, alright?"

"You better get going or you'll miss the train." Ray told her as he shooed her away in a playful manner.

The scene warmed Leila's heart as she was reminded of her own life back at her home.

'Even if we end up like adventurers in the Nightmare World... We're still just kids in the end.' Leila thought.

"Must be nice."

Subaru's words were almost inaudible, but Nalalie managed to hear him from where she stood at his side as she gave him a curious look.

* *

"A-are you having trouble with your parents?" Nalalie asked curiously.

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