Chapter 17

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The group followed the young Mina and Nalalie until they seemed to reach a park.

Mina's younger self was soon joined by a woman who they assumed was her mother and Nalalie's younger self was lead over to a bench by a man. They must've been their parents.

"I'll be back as soon as I can. Please try to at least make one friend today." Nalalie's father spoke gently to her as he affectionately ruffled the young girl's hair.

The entire time she had been staring down at her feet with a blank expression on her face, her only acknowledgement of her father's words being a hesitant nod of her head. The man smiled warmly, before walking away.

"Hey! Want to play with us?" A young boy called out as he and another young girl approached Little Mina.

Little Mina grinned at them.

"Sure! I'll play with you." She agreed. "My name's Mina. What's your names?"

"My name is Maya and this is Luke. It's nice to meet you, Mina." The little girl, Maya, said.

"I'll be heading just across the road to the shops, okay? If you're good, I might even buy you a treat." Mina's mother said.

Little Mina smiled brightly at that as she nodded. 

"Okay, Mama." She replied and waved as her mother walked away, a warm smile on her face.

Mina's younger self seemed so much warmer than the person she was today and Nalalie's younger self seemed so much colder and more withdrawn than she was now.

There was a sudden pang through Mina and Nalalie's chests as they remembered what happened in the following seconds.


Before she could stop herself, Mina let a single word slip past her lips seconds before there was a loud screeching noise followed by a crash and the three children who were playing together looked towards the road. Little Nalalie, who was still sitting by herself on the bench, also raised her head in alarm, that alarm only increasing as she realised one of the bodies on the road was her father.

"Pa... Papa?" She whispered out as she finally stood from her spot and took a few shaky steps forward, before collapsing to her knees with tears streaming down her face.

"Mama!" Mina's younger voice screamed out as she ran towards the road.

Before they could think to hard on it, the scene seemed to change and the sisters recognised it as two weeks later.

"Please don't be sad, Mina. Every thing will be okay." Maya said as she placed a comforting hand on her shoulder.

"Yeah. We're still here and we're not going anywhere." Luke added.

Little Mina lifted her sad eyes to look up at the two.

"Promise?" She asked hopefully.

The two smiled at her before nodding.

"We promise." They spoke simultaneously.

Little Mina smiled at the two and Luke dropped the ball he was holding as they encouraged her to play with them. Meanwhile, Little Nalalie was once again sitting by herself, this time looking very sad and occasionally looking over at the three kids playing together.

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