Chapter 14

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"T-that boy... H-he looks a lot like Thoma." Nalalie said as the group all stared at the apparition before them.

"Oh-ho." Thoma said with a smile as he stood up.

He was terrified of the visions before, but now he seemed almost excited.

"I guess this means I'll regain my memories next." He said.

Amidst Thoma's delight, Mina found Ray clenching his fists.

"Tch, the thought of him beating me out on this..." Ray muttered.

'Is Ray really upset bout this?' Mina thought with a light frown.

"Stay behind to see where my younger self will take us, eh?"

Thoma, now suddenly energetic, started approaching the apparition.

"Please be careful, Thoma." Leila said.

'I really don't want you to push yourself.' Leila thought. 'Having experienced it myself, I know for a fact those apparitions give you a different kind of fear. Not a fear of death, but a fear of knowing the truth.'

"I got this, Leila." Thoma assured her. "I can handle it."

Thoma gave her a wink as she thought back to the Thoma from her own memories.

Unlike the Thoma she knew now, he was a quiet, sullen child. The thought of his terrible past gave her goosebumps.


Young Thoma lead them outside of the park and into a different part of the neighborhood.

"Hey, kid!"

Thoma had made several attempts to talk to the little boy, but he didn't respond.

'The child hasn't spoken. It reminds me of how quiet the young Thoma was in my vision.'

"Stop bugging him." Ray said.


"What if he disappears because you're being too noisy?"

"Pffft. Are you really that salty 'cause I'm getting my past back before you? Ah, I get it. You're worried about me, aren't you?"

"The hell I'm salty."

'Something's going on with Ray.' Mina thought. 'What's he so upset about?'

Ray kicked a pebble on the ground.

'Could there be a deeper reason?'

The stone rolled down the street and hit the apparition. But instead of making contact, the pebble just passed through the child as if he were a ghost.

"He's stopping here?" Thoma said as they arrived in front a large house. "Are we here already, little guy?"

The little boy nodded and passed through the bars.

Thoma and Subaru opened the gates and hurried inside. Nalalie, Licht and Leila followed them.

"Everything okay, Ray?" Mina asked the red head.

Ray just stood there, taking in the sight with an anxious expression.

"I'm scared..."


"I'm scared, Mina." Ray repeated.

'I've never seen Ray like this before... Why is he so hung up on this? It's not like these are his memories.'

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