Chapter 24

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'Licht is alive, and he's in a coma.' Leila thought.

She felt so relieved, her legs felt like they would give out.

'He's alive! But-'

A sudden trepidation came over her, knowing that he might not be in the best condition.

'We have to find him before it's too late!'

"Why are you three huddling in there?" Ray said as he walked in, his hands on his hips and Mina not far behind him. "I told you to call me when you found something."

"We found a file of everything we're looking for." Subaru informed.

"Everything we need to know about the orphanage is here." Nalalie added as she handed over the folder and Ray took it quietly.

Subaru, Nalalie and Leila looked at each other, waiting as Ray and Mina skimmed through the files.

"This is..." Ray trailed off as his eyes ran rapidly through each page until he stopped and leaned back, Mina doing the same as she somehow managed to keep up.

"So all our assumptions have finally been given proof." Mina said. 

"Yes, we were right about most things." Subaru said. 

Ray grit his teeth.

"This is the cause of everything that's happened to us. How could they even approve such a research proposal?" He said.

"Ray..." Leila spoke his name, but trailed off as she didn't know what else to say.

"There's something we call ethics. This isn't even debatable. They clearly treated us like animals."

Subaru, Mina and Nalalie didn't say anything, but they clearly look upset. 

'Do they feel the same?'

"Nobody's happy about this, old man." Mina muttered as she folded her arms over her chest and Ray hissed out a frustrated groan.

"It's no use complaining. He's dead." Subaru said.

"Yeah, and we're out here, dying." Ray said.

Leila bit her lip.

'I know it's wrong, and I can't speak for everyone. But... The only thing Silas Ackerman did wrong was think he knew best.'

"Let's look on the bright side." Leila said. "At least we're far from where we started."

"You're quite the optimist." Mina said.

"Is that a bad thing?" Leila asked.

Ray finally chuckled.

"Nah, it's part of your charm." Subaru said. "Even in a desperate situation like this, it's refreshing to hear something like that."

"How is that charming?" Leila asked. "Aren't you supposed to look for the silver lining in everything?"

Ray set a hand on her head, tousling her hair.

"A lot of people can say that, but they're not as convincing." He said.

'Is he saying that am?'

She couldn't help but smile.

'That's good to know.'

"What do we do now?" Leila asked.

Ray stepped back, placing his finger nose in thought.

"I'd say finding Licht is our top priority now." Mina said and Ray nodded.

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