Chapter 7

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"Look what I found!" Thoma spoke excitedly.

When Mina and Ray arrived back in the room, they witnessed Thoma excitedly pulling a box out from under the table.

"Ohhh! Snakes and Ladders?" Leila observed. "That's a classic."

"Come on, let's play." Thoma suggested. "Board games are fun, and can help keep us from dozing off too."

"Would you like to join us, Subaru?" Nalalie asked the silver haired male beside her.

Subaru closed the book he was reading and looked at her.

"I don't really know how to play that." He admitted.

"Seriously? Who doesn't know how to play Snakes and Ladders?" Thoma spoke in disbelief.

Thoma got up and pulled Subaru down to sit with him.

"Hey, watch it!" Subaru protested to the action.

"Now listen up. Lucky for you, the master is in the house." Thoma told the younger male.

Ray scoffed.

"Master? This game is for little kids. It doesn't take any effort to master." He told them.

"It could be fun. It's better than doing nothing, anyway." Mina encouraged the red haired male.

Ray sighed in response and picked out a player token from the box.

"Yeah! Alright!" Thoma cheered, before giving Subaru a rundown of the rules.

Naturally, Subaru caught on quickly. 

"So with the ladder, the token goes up." Subaru said. "And if it's the snake, then we have to go down, right?"

"Yup! You got it, Subaru." Nalalie told him with a smile.

Subaru took notice of the fact that she didn't stutter in her usual timidity, but made no comment on it as he simply took it as a sign she was becoming more comfortable around them.

There was a ghost of a smile on his lips and Nalalie couldn't help but find it cute that he seemed to be enjoying himself already, despite the game itself having not even started yet.

"Alright, alright, let's start." Thoma said.

"I'll go first." Both Thoma and Ray spoke at the same time, before glaring competitively at each other.

"It's my game. I'm going first." Ray said.

Ray reached out for the die, but Thoma slapped the back of his hand.

"I suggested we play, so it should be me." Thoma argued.

"Guys, that's not really-" 

"Besides, you didn't even want to play." Thoma continued, effectively cutting Leila off midsentence.

"I'm playing now, aren't I?" Ray fought back.

"Freaking children. I swear you two are brothers or something with the way you argue." Mina muttered, before speaking louder. "Subaru can go first since he's the newbie."

Said male nodded before picking up the die and starting to roll it. In the end, he managed to beat them all.

"I can't believe this. I demand a rematch!" Thoma complained.

"Stop bothering me, I've had enough." Subaru told him.

"Noooo!" Thoma said as he clung onto Subaru, pleading for another round.

"Haha! Come on, guys, he doesn't have to play." Leila said.

Suddenly, her vision started shaking violently. The ringing of the bell resounded in her ears, a painful reminder that their fun had come to an end.

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