Chapter 8

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The blood moon hung high in the sky as the group of seven all sat together around a marble table in the courtyard.

"Licht, it's not that we totally trust you. However, you have some sort of connection to this world." Ray said. "You might just be the key to getting us out of here. So, come along with us."

"Hear that, Licht? You're one of us now." Leila said as she smiled kindly at the male.

Licht returned the warm smile.

"I'm delighted." He said. "I'd like to help you in any way I can."

"You said you live here, right?" Thoma asked.

"Correct." Licht nodded.

Subaru folded his arms as he listened in.

 "Does a-anyone else live here?" Nalalie asked.

"There are some people in the city, but they never talk to me." Licht replied.

"How long have you been here?" Mina asked curiously.

Licht looked down at his hands.

"I... I don't know." He replied as he hung his head down apologetically.

Leila put a comforting hand on his back in an attempt to sooth him.

"That's okay, don't force yourself to remember." She told him gently.

Ray sighed and Licht looked up at Ray, curiously. 

"Hey... I'm terribly sorry about what happened to your friend." He said.

"You don't have to apologize." Leila said. "It's not your fault."


"Well, Monica was just really unfortunate." Thoma said. "If that monster is running loose around here, that could mean danger for all of us."

"This monster you speak of, what does it look like?" Licht asked.

"It's-" Ray went to explain, but stop midsentence.

"Ray...?" Leila called out to him.

"Did you hear that?" Ray asked.

The others all look around, suddenly alert.

"Hear what?" Leila asked.

The leaves on the bushes across from them began rustling.

'What's that?!' Leila thought in a panic, hoping it wasn't the monster.

Fear started coursing through her and in an instant, her entire body was covered in goosebumps.

The seven of them all quietly stared at the bushes where the noise came from and Subaru walked closer to the moving plants.

"W-wait. I-it could be d-dangerous." Nalalie told him.

Subaru seemed to ignore her words of warning as he continued to walk slowly towards the bushes, the others waiting in anticipation as to what was going to happen.

Leila's body was frozen with fear and she felt a knot tighten in her stomach.

"No, don't! It's a... It's a-" Thoma cut himself off as Subaru parted the bushes and a small, furry critter jumped out. "It's a squirrel! It's a squirrel!"

Thoma bolted out of his chair as Leila nearly sunk to the floor in relief if it wasn't for Licht gently holding her up.

'Oh, thank goodness.'

A strongly familiar scent emanated from Licht's clothes, making her feel like crying.

The squirrel ran along the plant bed and skittered away.

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