Chapter 9

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Leila's heart felt so heavy.

'That's right.' She thought. 'I was abandoned. I was unwanted...and unloved.'

Her eyes started burning as she tried to hold back the tears.


She slowly opened her eyes when she heard someone calling her name.

When she opened her eyes, she found herself in a room and glanced down to notice that she'd transformed into her childhood self.

'I see. These are my memories.'

"Leila." A man bent down and placed a hand on her shoulder. "Welcome to Bluebells."

"Bluebells...?" Leila spoke.

"This will be your new home, Leila." The man said.

"Home?" Leila spoke again. "Papa..."

'I wanna go home. Where's Papa?'

"Yes, that's right." The man said. "From now on, you will call me Father."

The man, 'Father', gently ruffled her hair.

"We're your family now."

'A new family?'

Leila felt her heart begin to ache.

'I don't want a new family. I want my real family. I was abandoned. I'll never get my family back now. I'll never be the same again. I want to cry, but the tears won't even come. I feel so broken...'

'Father' smiled nervously as he noticed Leila staring at her new surroundings in an expressionless daze.

"I'm sure you children will get along just fine." He said.

'There are other children too?'

The doors creaked open to reveal nothing but a hollow space beyond.

"Father?" A boy spoke as he peeked his little head out from behind 'Father'.

"Licht, what took you so long?" 'Father' asked the boy.

"I'm sorry, I was playing with the other kids." The boy, Licht, replied and the man hummed a low tone. "Who's this, Father?"

Licht gazed at Leila intently, like she was from another planet.

'To be honest, I don't feel comfortable here...'

"Now, son, don't be rude." 'Father' said as he put his hand on her shoulder again. "This is Leila. She'll be living with us from now on."

The boy smiled warmly at that.

"Hello, Leila. I'm Licht. Wanna be friends?" He said as he offered her a hand.

"Say hello, Leila." 'Father' encouraged.

At 'Father's urging, she took his hand.

"... Okay." She spoke quietly. 

Licht squeezed her hand and smiled warmly once more.

At that moment, Leila's empty heart is filled with an overwhelming warmth, and tears begin to spill from her eyes.

Without saying a word, Licht pulled her into a hug and she cried against his chest until she couldn't cry anymore. Once she'd settled down, Licht took her to a different room.

"Guys! We got a new friend!" Licht announced. "Come on, Leila."

Leila timidly peeked from behind Licht. The other kids walked up to her and she started to feel nervous with everyone staring at her.

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