(Exo) What he noticed first about you

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He noticed you laughing.
You were out for bubble tea with your friends and he was walking by when he saw you. He thought your smile was adorable, and in attempt to talk to you, walked into the bubble tea shop. You were laughing about something random. Something your friends didn't even find funny. He thought it was cute how easily you laughed. He asked if he could buy you another, and the rest is history. (Pun intended)

He was struck by your outfit.
You were dressing up extra nice for a night out with your friends, and went to a bar that Baekhyun frequents. Everyone was staring at you in envy or lust. You were having a drink and talking to your friends when all of a sudden they stopped and gasped. You were confused, but then you felt a presence of someone behind you. You turned and were met by a square smile. "Can I buy you a drink?"

He was awed by your dog. (lol I know)
You were at the dog park, and were playing frisbee with your pet. The frisbee went flying and your dog wanted to weave around your legs instead of fetching. You took your attention off of where the frisbee was going to regain your balance and get control over the pup.
The frisbee hit Tao in the head. Rubbing the spot, he looked behind him to see where it came from. He saw an adorable dog with an even cuter owner. He picked candy up and went over to where you were, forgetting about the frisbee.
"Need any help?"

Your kindness to others.
He was walking down the street, when he saw a homeless man. Normally he would have stopped and given something to the guy, though he saw someone already talking to him. He watched as you took out a warm meal from your backpack and handed it to the man. He thanked you and said, "You always make the best meals. thank you."
You were humble and said, "see you tomorrow!"
luhan chased after you and thanked you for being you. you started chatting on ways to help others, when he asked for your number so you and he could continue over dinner.

he saw you taking cute selcas.
you were at the mall, and you found a nature republic store. they had a cardboard cutout of kai in the doorway, so you immediately ran over to it and started taking Selcas with your bias. you were making cute faces and all of a sudden, you felt a hand land on your shoulder and laughter behind you. embarrassed, you turned expecting an employee to make fun of you, though someone else was standing there. you looked into those familiar eyes.
"you're adorable."

he noticed your humbleness.
you were at a fansigning for exo, ecstatic to meet your bias , sehun. You were a bit more dressed up than usual, wanting to look your best for your bias. You waited what seemed like hours until you were finally in front of the love of your life.
You didn't notice until you heard someone say, "hi beautiful."
Snapped out of the daze, you were startled by sehun gazing at you.
you smiled, and asked ,"me?"
You weren't used to being called beautiful. "yes, hunnie. Who else?"
you thanked him for being so kind, and handed him your cd to sign. when he did he wrote a cute note promising to meet later, and his phone number.

he saw you crying.
You had been having a crappy week, and knew that today was going to be stressful. You had a job as a dishwasher that you couldn't be late for, and you were hoping to go to the library if you had time, to see if they had the next book in a series you loved. You went to the library after a full shift. You were eager, and wanted that book to cheer you up. When you arrived, you ran up to the young adult section, only to not see the book you were waiting a month to check for.
you started crying, and a boy reading in a chair near you looked up. he asked you why you were crying.
"im ok."
he asked you what book you were looking for, and offered to take you to a book store to buy it for you, which you took up. later that night he asked shyly if you wanted to go on a date the next day.
"I would love a date with you."

he saw how adorable you were when you pouted. you were shopping for clothes and saw the perfect shirt. you looked at the size, and pouted. You put it back, and the boy near you looked over. he smiled.
"they really shouldn't put so much pressure everyone to be thin/tall. I quite like people that don't conform to the norms."
you smiled.
"can I have your numer gorgeous?"

he thought you were shy.
You were ordering a coffee, and when your turn came, you spoke quietly. social situations usually weren't your forte.
"Can you repeat your order?" the employee spoke loudly.
the boy behind you sensed your anxiety. he had heard your small voice before, and spoke to the employee.
"They want a small latte with cinnamon." You looked up at him and mouthed a thanks to him.
He smiled and mouthed back "no problem."
you both laughed.
"What a cute couple. you must really be in love, it's so sweet."
you looked shocked and the boy simply grabbed your hand and said "thanks. I know."

you were eating baozi.
You were at a table by yourself eating a meat bun, when all of a sudden a cute boy sat down across from you.
"I couldn't help but notice what you were eating." he opened his bag from the restaurant and pulled out three more baozi. "I'm quite a fan of them myself."
you looked at his cheeky grin, and giggled. He poked your cheek.
"You're cute. mind if I stay here? I can make you laugh some more, it was adorable. I've got some more baozi jokes, if you want."

your playfulness was cute to him.
You were on a playground, swinging by yourself. There were some kids as well, but they were younger. He let out a soft laugh when he saw you. You were quite bigger than all the kids.
He sat down in the swing next to you and started swinging too. You slowed down and looked at the giant man next to you swinging giddily. He slowed down too and you both laughed. You spent the rest of the day talking and playing tag on the playground.

your chest.
Or rather, what was written on your t shirt. You were wearing a kpop shirt you got yesterday, and were going to a store in the mall. you noticed a boy staring at your chest, and gave him a look. He winked and you scoffed and flipped him off. You started to walk off until you felt a hand grab your shoulder, and turn you around ready to beat his ass. "what!?"
you turned to the guy from before.
"woah. I wanted to tell you that I wasn't staring at you, I was looking at your shirt. Exo, right?"
You calmed down.
"Yea, I really like their music."
He laughed. "Yea, their stuffs pretty great. they're really good. I like their singer, chen. he's got a great voice."
you looked at him. "which one is he?"
He smirked and gave you a piece of paper. "You'll find out later."
Then he walked off, waving. You saw him run towards a group of guys, and looked at the paper, which you saw was a business card with a number written on the back. you gasped.

Kim jongdae



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