(Seventeen) Going to the store

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S. Coups- the one to lead the pack, trying to keep everyone together because God knows how those boys get when they're loose in a grocery store.

Jeonghan- the one to try to help scoups with the kids but he needs to go pick up some special shampoo and they're having a sale on his favorite kcups and oh look coupons.

Woozi- he would groan and literally have to be dragged around by scoups. Has to threaten the other members not to touch him and just complains the whole time until scoups literally buys him a chocolate milk just to shut up.

Hoshi- the one to split everyone up into teams even though scoups told him not to to help tackle the list faster. the one to want to put woozi in the rocket cart baby seat but woozi scared him into running back to the craft aisle with the threats leaving his eyes.

Dino- literally spends the whole time in the candy aisle and spends so long looking at the candy that when scoups finally drags him out of there he has to rush to get candy before they leave and ends up with something he didn't want.

Mingyu- the one to spend all time in the makeup department swatching colors and seeing what looks good with his skin tone.

Wonwoo- the one to stay at the front the whole time and fall asleep because he's done with this bullshit.

Joshua- the one to actually do the shopping.

Th8- the one to walk over and beg the bakery lady for a cookie and do his best aegyo and when she says he's too old he runs away upset.

Jun- the one to comfort minghao and walk over and buy him a cookie.

Seungkwan- the one who's stuck between complaining and being so immersed in all the colors of the makeup aisle and all the sugary foods they have. Ends up frustrated as he stacks his arms full of fancy hair gel and cocoa puffs.

Vernon- sits at the front with wonwoo and tries to talk to him to stay entertained. Ends up being called to help shop by Joshua and groans as he pushes the cart.

Dk- the one to get lost but doesn't care because he's too caught up stocking up his own cart with cereal and spends most of his time looking at the highlight mags in the magazine aisles. (For those of you who dont know what highlight magazines are... They're kids magazines that are colorful and have word searches and keep kids entertained with comics and stories.)

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