(BTS- Suga) Sweet dreams

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It was pouring rain outside your window and you couldn't sleep. Every so often a clap of thunder would wake you or a flash of lightning scare you away from the beautiful wonderland that is your dreams. You kick off the covers and look at the clock. 2 am. This is the third night this week. When will this rain stop??? You started crying softly, letting the tears hit your cold palms. The tears were sleepy tears, but also lonely ones. You wished you could have your boyfriend yoongi with you right now, holding you until you fell asleep again. Stroking your head until all the tears went away. You let the tears fall down your cheeks not even bothering to wipe them away .
Suddenly, You hear a knock on your door; the front door a few rooms away was being pounded. Great. First you cant get to sleep and now some axe murderer is gonna kill you at 2 am. Shakily getting out of bed, you grabbed a heavy flashlight as a meelee weapon. Creeping down your hallway, you peeked your head past the dark doorframe. Your door was see through, so you could barely makeout a figure standing there. He was peering in with his hands, trying to see if there was anyone. You would have screamed, but you recognized those eyes. "Yoongi?!" You whisper shouted, opening the door. "It's 2 am why are you here?" Though you weren't upset at him; this is exactly what you wanted isnt it? He walked in and took off his raincoat and wet shoes. "I couldn't sleep, and knowing how you are with thunder I knew you couldn't either." He looked at you with pleading eyes and you gave in. "Ok, you can stay. Would you like some water? Maybe we both can have some warm milk or something." He perked up and purred in your ear while hugging you. "That sounds delightful." You melted into his embrace for a minute before pulling away. "If I'm going to make it I need to have control over my body yoongi." He let go, but continued to hold your hand. "Ah, Mian." He finally walked over to your kitchen table and you brought him the mug of warm milk. You two were quiet as you sipped. His eyes fleeting over to yours in the dimly lit room every so often. He set his cup down and took your hand. "I'm tired. Let's go to bed now, ok?" You simply nodded and followed him to your room. He turned on a small light so that a small glow allowed you to still see his facial features and everything in the room. He got under the covers on the left side and you lied down on the right. He pulled the covers over you and wrapped his arms around you. A few minutes passed, an you thought he was asleep, though he surprised you by murmuring near your ear. "You've been crying. Why?" Startled, you took a moment to respond. "I was tired, and scared... And I missed you." "Well I'm here now. And I'm not leaving so you shouldn't be scared." "I'm not anymore. Though yoongi?" You asked into his chest. "Hmm?" He hummed in response. "I know this is kinda weird, but I still can't sleep. Can you..sing for me?" He thought for a moment. You panicked. Oh no, did you make things awkward? Right when you were about to tell him he didn't have to he started singing. "Settle down with me." His rough voice was somehow so soothing and you snuggled into his chest more. Your heart beat loudly. You weren't expecting him to sing and now that he is you can't get enough. His semi-deep voice was unlike any that you've ever heard, but still enjoyable. You started drifting in and out of sleep as you heard him get louder, but only barely. He had reached the chorus and your heart had melted. "So kiss me like you wanna be loved. You wanna be loved. You wanna be loved." He kissed your forehead before continuing. "This feels like falling in love. Like falling in love. Like falling in love." With every line he kissed a new part of your face, before finally..."so kiss me like you wanna be loved. You wanna be loved, you wanna be loved. This feels like falling in love, like falling in love, like falling in love." He placed his soft lips over yours and stroked your head. "Saranghaeyo ________. Sweet dreams." Was the last thing you heard before falling asleep, dreaming of yoongi.

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