(Boyfriend) When you say you love him

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Donghyun: his eyes pop for a split moment, but quickly smiles excitedly. "Wait, really? I love you too jagi!" He hugs you tightly, holding you and not letting go until you remind him that you have to breathe. "Oh right, sorry. Ehehe." he blushes, and smiles shyly. His hand runs up to his hair while he ducks in embarrassment. you hug him again. But this time, softer. He laughs and wraps his arms around you again. "I love you too jagi. So much."

Jeongmin: he was in too much of a sleepy high that morning for it to shock him. "Hmm I love you too." He smiled in his sleep and cuddled you near his heart. "This only beats for you jagi. I love you so much." You both slept for another hour, with smiles still there stuck on your faces. When you woke up again, and again go "I love you." He seems more shocked the second time. "Wait, so it wasn't a dream?!" You shake your head and he immediately kisses you. "I love you too."

Hyunseong: you were eating ice cream and he dropped his. "Aww no, Jagi can I have some of yours?"you laughed at hyunseong. "Yah! You don't even like vanilla! Wae?" He did aegyo and gave huge eyes, Pleading at you with those cheeks that you love."Cause you love me?" You paused an then smiled timidly. "Ok fine! But only cause I love you!" He stopped. And his face turned to shock. "Wait really?" You looked confused."Yea why wouldn't I share ice cream with my boyfriend?" "Not that, you love me?" Blushing, you look up. " Yea.." He smiles, ad you two finish the ice cream smiling and having a blast on your walk. "You got a little ice cream there ___." You look up and gasp as he leans in and licks away the icecream. "Yah! Wae you do that?" "Cause I love you!"

Youngmin: you were eating dinner at the boyfriend dorm. He stopped eating, letting macaroni fall back to his paper plate. "Wait, wat?" You felt embarrassed, but you were dating. Can't you love your boyfriend? "I love you." He got up and went to you. "Omo, come here." he hugged you tightly, Stroking your head and smiling. Kissing your sweet face he picked you up in his arms. You panicked. "wae? Wat are you doing?" "We have to tell everyone!" "It's not like were getting married!" "Not yet..." He laughed and you looked at him shyly while he took you to everyone's room. "hey guess what! ____ loves me!"

Kwangmin: he almost didn't notice, he was playing Pokemon and you were bored so you tired to get his attention. "kwangmin." Nothing. You got closer. "Kwangmin!" Not a word. "Kwangmin!" You were literally a foot away. "Hmmm?" He barely hummed to you. "You like that game more than you like me. Sometimes I wonder why I fell in love with you." You laughed and ruffled his hair. He immediately threw down his game and kissed you, engulfing you in hugs and kisses. "You love me?!?" He asked, hopeful. You laughed. "Yes! Now can we go? we have reservations tonight!" He kissed you again, and then reached back for his game. You smacked his hand and he pouted. You hugged him. "I love you. let's go!"

Minwoo: "I love you too darling." He sighed in happiness and hugged you. You looked up and your lips met his with a gentle kiss. "I never want you to leave me. Stay with me ____. Now that I know you love me too I can't bear to part with you. I should have been the one to say I love you first, think of all the cute things we could be doing!" You smiled cutely. He leaned in as whispered in your ear sexily. "And all the other things that are too inappropriate to fit into the "cute" category." you hit his chest playfully him. "Yah! Not for a while ok?" "But I still have a chance?" You stared at him and he laughed and kissed you. "I love you, even if you want to wait."

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