(Exo- D.O.) Caffeine high

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This was requested by eliza13 hope you like it!

"Ok! Be there in five."
You read the last text from your tinder match kyungsoo. He and you were meeting for coffee, but you had already arrived and he was on his way. You were looking forward to this. Coffee is your thing, hopefully it's his as well. Ok. Calm down. He doesn't want to see you all scared....Does he? He could be into that. Wait. Eww. No. Don't want that in a partner anyway. Oops. Your efforts to ease your raging nervousness failed as you twiddled your hands at your table. You look up as you hear a soft, "annyeong." You smiled as you see kyungsoo. He's was much better looking in real life. "Annyeong. Kyungsoo? I'm _____. Nice to finally meet you." You cringed at yourself. Wow. Ugh. This is already more like you're interviewing him instead of going on a coffee date. Wait, isn't dating basically nice interviewing? You snapped yourself out of your head when he holds out his hand. Wow. Really like an interview. You shake his hand. "I have to say, you're much more handsome in person." You blushed. "Not that your profile wasn't handsome.." Kyungsoo laughed. "Thank you. You're.. Very taking. Both online and.. Anyway. Let's order?" You blushed more and he laughed nervously. "Neh." You walked with him to the barista and placed your order, taking in the smell of coffee. Kyungsoo looked at you when it was his turn to order. He rubbed the back of his neck and smiles shyly. "I've never actually been here before.. What's good?" You dropped your jaw but quickly closed your mouth. "Umm.. Everything really. The caramel macchiato is my favorite.. But plain black is just as good. Espresso has a lot of caffeine so let's steer away from that.. You probably don't want the sugary drinks aimed towards kids.. How about a mocha?" Kyungsoo cocked his head. "What's a mocha?" You giggled. "It's like a chocolate coffee drink." Kyungsoo smiled. "Ok. I'll get that." He ordered and you two walked back to your table. He looked into your eyes and smiled shyly. "You sure know a lot about coffee." Oh shit. OTTOKAJI? It's not like youre a barista yourself. You just really like coffee. It's on the verge of an obsession really.. But he shouldn't know that.... Yet. "Umm.. Yea. I drink it a lot..." He looks down. "I've actually.. Never had coffee before. This should be fun." You stared at him and laughed a little. "How have you never had coffee?" He smiled and shrugged. "I've.. Never had the need for caffeine.. I don't know. I'm sure there's something you've never tried before." You laughed. "Yea. But coffee? I'm going to make sure that you love your first sip of coffee." He smirked and cocked his head. "Hmm. And how do you plan to accomplish that?" You stared at him starting to say something but you both just burst out laughing. "Ok.. Ok. Didn't think that through. Or should I say.. Drink that through.. Ehehehe." He lifted an eyebrow and stared at you. "That was a bad pun." You looked away. "I know." Welp. You just ruined the date. Oops. "I didn't say I didnt like bad puns." You turned back to him smiling. "Good. Cause there's plenty more where that came from." He laughed and shook his head. "I think one is enough for today." You pouted and he simply shook his head again. "_____ and kyungsoo?" The barista called out. You popped your head toward the counter and kyungsoo stopped you. "I'll get them." He returned with your drinks a minute later and was about to sip his, but you were the one to stop him this time. "WAIT! I gotta catch this on camera." He rolled his eyes at you an you hit record. He sipped his drink and... Nothing. Not an eye widening or a smile. "It's ok..." You looked offended-omo. How dare he? "Ok? Ok???!" You suddenly stopped and calmed down. "You're weird." He smirked and lifted a brow at you. "I could say the same thing about you." You sipped your coffee and waited before speaking, letting the caffeine high start to build as usual. You looked over. He seemed fine. "You don't feel it?" He sipped his drink again and gulped. "Mwo? The.. What?" You leaned your head back against the chair and smiled. "the coffee high. Mine hits me pretty quickly, but it effects everyone differently. It makes me feel.. Warm. But others.. Caffeine can do crazy things." He smiled genuinely and sipped his drink again. "Hmm.. Not really? Is there supposed to be a gradual rise or is it all at once? Like cause there's a big difference.. All at once is obvious but gradual you might not even notice but see it at the end and-" you cut him off. "Ah. You're a hyper coffee drunk." You giggled at his all of a sudden giddiness. He was cute.. Not that you hadn't noticed that before. But he seems much more.. Relaxed, but not relaxed.. If that makes sense. He looked shocked. " what did you just call me? I'll have you know that I rarely get drunk and when I do I'm a sleepy drunk so why would coffee be any different? This makes no sense, shouldn't a coffee high stay consistent with your drunk high? I don't know. Aish. You know more about coffee than I do, you're probably right." He stopped and scared as if realizing. "Oh my gosh. You are right. I feel like I'm on a sugar high.. But worse." You giggled. At last you were right at something. "It's the combination of the sugar from the mocha and the caffeine from the coffee. Should wear off within an hour or so." He widened his eyes. "Omo.. So like, for the rest of this date? I hope I don't embarrass myself omo I really like you too-" he stopped himself and blushed bright red. You smiled. "It's cute. Don't worry. And.. I like you too. So again, don't worry. But maybe we will steer clear from caffeine for our second date." He smiled. "Second.. Second date?" You nodded. "Neh, only if you want to of course." He smiled and nodded. "I'd love that, actually. And yea, no caffeine. I think my body's had enough." You mentally cheered for yourself, but also felt sad. He was a cute little hyper penguin. Hopefully you got to see more of that soon. You two talked for about an hour more.. Right on time for his caffeine high to vanish. And it did, give or take a few minutes. "Wow.. I feel like I'm ready to go to bed.. I don't feel mentally tired though.." He looked down at his drained coffee cup and shuddered. "Never again." You smiled as you got up and picked up both drained cups to throw them away. He got up too, and soon it was back to being akward. "Soooo... Can I see you again?" He asked shyly. You laughed. "I thought we already established this. Yes. You can." He smiled and hugged you. You smiled as you felt both him and you relax into the hug. He pulled back beaming. "Ok. I'll.. Text you?" You quickly kissed his cheek and smiled. "Sounds great." He blushed and looked down at the floor. "O-ok. See you next time then?" "Next time." He walked you out until you both got into your separate cars, saying another tiny goodbye. When you got home, you got a text from kyungsoo. "I hope you "drink" about a place for our next date. How does next Friday sound?" You giggled. Oh wow. He used your pun. He sure knows how to win you over. "Sure thing! And yea, I'll "drink" about it." You sent back, and got a cute emoji from him. You stuck your tongue out at the screen, almost like he could see. You continued your day, but not focusing on anything much.. Possibly from the caffeine crash, but mostly because the three words repeating in your head."Best. Date. Ever."

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