(Legend) When you cry

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Listen: Listen would immediately notice some things wrong, and as soon as he saw you crying his brain would send him into a sort of panic, but a panic to quickly help you. "Nononono don't cry. It's ok." He'd run up to you and hug you, holding your head on his chest. "Why are you crying? I'm here now. You don't need to cry anymore." He'd softly sing to you while rocking you, sitting on the couch in blankets in the dark just to make you feel better. He wants to make sure you feel safe with him, you trust him, that he's there.

Roi: Roi would be shocked as soon as he saw you crying. His eyes would widen, and he's run up to you, staring at you for a second not saying anything. He'd duck so he can see your face, and hold your shoulders. "Are you ok? Tell me what's wrong." He'd take you to the bedroom and sit you down on the bed, handing you tissues. "Hey. It's ok. Tell me."

Jaehyuk: jaehyuk would feel his heart break when you cry. He'd immediately walk over and hug you, running a hand through your hair. He'd be really supportive but wouldn't pressure you to tell him, fearing you're not ready. He wants you to trust him but he also wants you to feel comfortable. "You don't have to tell me. But just know I'm here for you Ok?" His tears would hit your neck as you both silently sobbed, holding on to each other for what feels like hours.

Lito: Lito would come home, happy and wanting to see you simply to tell you about his day. He'd call your name, and when you don't come, he'd fear something bad happened. He'd run through the house looking for you, calling your name, and when he actually finds you, he'd run up up to you and hug you, not noticing the fact that you're sobbing until he feels your body shake. "Jagi I was worried sick. Why are you crying? Do you need lito to cheer you up?"

Changsun: Changsun would also be one to feel what you feel. He'd look over and his face instantly drops when he sees that you crying. When you try to leave so he won't notice, he grabs your hand and pulls you into his chest. He'd hold you for a minute before speaking, wanting you to calm down so he can find out why you're crying and make you feel better. "What's making you cry? Tell me I'll get rid of it. I just want you to be happy."

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