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"Here we are" Jacob said as all of us entered the castle through the main gate.  All the horrid memories came rushing back as I walked in. Oh how I wish to burn this place to the ground!. "You guys should get some rest. We'll go and explain everything to our pack members in the meantime" James said and I nodded. With that Jacob and his friends walked back out of the main gate where their anxious pack members were waiting for them. They saw us from a distance, climbing towards the castle, and immediately recognised who we were. Soon all of us will be out of here for good. "There's no way I'm going back to that room" Zoey said as she looked intensely at the staircase which led up to the first floor. "We would rather sleep outside on the rocks" Sarah added with equal hatred. "I know. We're not going there. We'll try not to stay here for long. Once Jacob and his friends have explained everything to their pack members all of us will get out of here." I said. "and the plan is the same?" Crys asked. I nodded. "We'll travel through the waters, towards the north and we'll keep moving until we come across a werewolf pack." I turned my head back to check on Crystal. She was still sleeping. I scanned the main hall for a comfortable place. I saw a couch just a few metres away from us. I started walking towards the couch. I slowly Crystal on the couch, making sure to turn her to the side. Her back looked way better than it did yesterday. I cautiously placed a cushion below her head, not wanting to wake her up. Once she was settled, I placed a kiss on her forehead. I turned around to see all our friends smiling at me. I smiled back as I walked upto them. "She'll be ok soon" Mason said patting my back. I nodded.

I walked inside the mansion to see Tyler and the others stading together. They all looked relieved and happy. "Hey" I said walking towards them. All of their attention turned towards me. I placed my hands inside of my pockets as I stood in front of them. "I explained everything to my pack members. All of us will leave for good tomorrow morning." I said. "But why can't we leave now" Rose asked. "Well there are a lot of reasons, the biggest reason being that the water flow is really fast right now and I don't think it would be safe for us to travel in such a situation, especially for Crystal" I said. "Plus, my pack members have to build a boat for themselves as well. They'll be ready with their boats by tomorrow morning. Also, we have a high chance of encountering a pack in the morning. If we stumbled upon their territory in the middle of the night they might mistake us for attackers. In the morning, we can show and explain to them with clarity that we are not a threat" I completed and she nodded. "You guys should get some rest" I said and they nodded. With that, I turned back around and started walking back outside. They need space after everything that has happened.
My pack members had finished making their boats by the time sun peeked out from the horizon. Just as expected. I heard footsteps coming towards me. I turned around to see James walking up to me with a map in his hand. The map that we found last night while searching this freaking huge mansion. "If my calculations are right, it'll take us anywhere from 4 to 5 hours, towards the north, to find the land of the next werewolf pack" He said as soon as he reached me. Honestly, that was closer than I had expected. "It's crazy how the Lycans made all of us think that we are way too far away from any humans or supernatural creature when in reality it's just a few hours" I said, speaking my thoughts out loud. "I know right. After all their masters of manipulation" Jacob said with a faint chuckle. Both of us started walking towards the seashore where everyone was getting ready to mount their boats and the get the hell out of here.

I felt anger burn inside me as my eyes stared at the majestic mansion on the top of the hill. The moment all of us had stepped foot on the sandy ground that led up to the mountain, my eyes instinctively turned to look at the place for the final time. All of the horrid memories ran through my mind like a movie. The only difference in our previous experience and this one was our certainty. Last time, leaving the Lycans and their home, we were hesitant and scared. Scared that they may find us again. But this time, we were certain that we won't relive our nightmare again. We were certain that the Lycans would never threaten us again. We are finally free. As I was staring at the mansion, I saw Jacob and James coming towards us. I gave them a smile. "I can't thank you enough for your medicine Jacob. It's magical" I said in a grateful tone. Jacob gave me a smile back. "That's the least I could do in return of what you did. You snatched our freedom from their hands, risking your life in the process" He said. "Well I can say the same for you gentlemen" I said chuckling. He and James also gave a slight laugh. "Guys cmon we're leaving!" Zoey shouted from the seashore. I turned around to see that they had already started to board the boats and pushing them in the water. I guess everyone was just way too eager to get out of here. I can't blame them. "After you" James said as I turned my head back to the front to look at them. I laughed and nodded as I started walking towards the boats. Both of then following close behind. Once we reached the boats, Tyler helped me get on the boat. "are you feeling any better Crys?" Sarah asked as she sat right across from me along with Mason. "I feel much better. It won't be long before the injury heals completely" I responded with a genuine smile. "That's a relief" she said smiling back. "Mason! Tyler! We're ready! Let's get moving!" Lucas shouted from one of the far away boats. With that Mason and Tyler picked up their individual oars and started moving the boat towards the north. "where are our oars?" Sarah asked. "We didn't need them. It's only a few hours journey. You won't need to use them" Mason said as he and Tyler angled the boat towards the north, matching the pace of the river with perfection. "You can't be serious. You're going to function the boat non stop for the next almost 6 hours" I said. "Love did you forget that we're werewolves. We might have lost our strength for a brief time period but we haven't lost it completely. Trust me we'll be on the land in no time" Tyler said with a small smile. I looked at Sarah and both of us sighed. I turned my head backwards to look at others behind us. On the very next boat, at a safe distance, were Zoey, Zayn, Jacob and Jason. I made eye contact with Zoey. Instantly, I stuck my tongue out to her in a humorous manner. A few laughs escaped my mouth as she mirrored my action. Zayn also started laughing, watching us from beside Zoey. I turned my head to the front as a wave of peace washed over me. The peace that wouldn't be temporary.

We were free.

Hey guys!
So this was chapter 39. I hope you all enjoyed it.
Thanks for reading!❤️

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