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That is all I can feel around me at the moment. I don't know for how long I have been like this and I don't know for how long will I be like this. The only thing which I can feel is the feeling of something warm and soft beneath me. My eyes feel like they weigh a ton. I was struggling to even open them. As I slowly lifted my eyes open, I was met by a sudden flash of light which forced me to close them back again. After a few seconds, I reopened them to see the sun was shining brightly over me. I slowly sat up and looked around me to see where I was. It looks like I am on a island....wait? island?!...what the hell am I doing on an island?!. I looked towards my right and the sight made me froze. Lying on the warm sand just a few meters away from me, were none other than my 4 friends. It was not their presence that made me froze, it was the fact that they weren't moving at all made me froze. I rushed over to Zayn, who was nearest to me and tried to listen the sound of his heartbeat....there was none. Infact I couldn't hear any heartbeat apart from my own. I started to panick. No no no! This can't happen. I immediately got up on him and started applying pressure at the centre of his chest with my fists. I repeated this process twice but he wasn't breathing!. Tears started to form in my eyes. No you guys can't leave me like this! With this thought, I pressed hard on his chest for the final time and as if by a miracle, he jolted awake. He started coughing vigorously, water coming out of his mouth. After a few seconds, he stopped coughing and breathed in a huge breath in. I helped him sit up and he looked up at me with tears in his eyes. Without thinking, I tackled him in a strong hug. I can't explain how happy I was to hear the sound of his heartbeat again. But our happy moment was short lived. The sound of intense coughing broke us out of our happy bubble. We turned our heads in the direction of the sound to see our other friends waking up. Both of us rushed over to them and helped them sit up. After a few minutes all three of them were back to normal. "where the hell are we?" Mason asked while looking around the island in bewilderment. "no idea" I said while examining the island with squinted eyes. "guys we need to feed. We need the strength" Noah said and all of us nodded. All of us need to feed in order to find our way out of this goddamn island. All of us started walking towards the dense forest with all our remaining strength...


We have been searching this island for hours and yet we can't seem to find a single thing to eat.
The only thing this island can provide us is wood for building a fire. "there's nothing here...not a single animal" Zayn as exhausted. "what are we gonna do now" Mason asked, slightly frustrated. "I think we should go back to the shore. We'll definitely find some fishes in the ocean" I suggested. "yeah I think that's the only food source available to us at this point" Scott said. All of us started walking towards the shore and after a while of continuous walking the beach came in my sight. Absentmindedly, my eyes shifted towards the ocean and I saw something floating on the surface of the water. Is that...."Tyler what's wrong why'd you stop walking" Scott asked snapping me out of my thought. I realised that I had  stopped walking and I immediately walked upto them. " you see that" I said pointing towards the thing lying on the beach. It's bottom half was still floating in the water. All of them turned their heads in that direction. "I think that's a dead animal" Mason said looking at the object carefully. "well then we better hurry" Zayn said and with that we started walking faster...

Once we were there, we took a close look at it. As I was looking at the 'thing', I noticed it was not any normal animal, it was infact a human body, which was a little unsettling to be honest. Suddenly my eyes shifted towards it's arm and a shiver ran down my can't be!. "Hey bud are you ok?" I heard one of the boys say but I didn't respond. I was too focused on staring at the object on the dead body's left wrist. "Tyler what's wrong" Zayn asked once again, now placing a hand on my shoulder. I couldn't respond. My gaze was fixed on the object. After a few seconds of silence I heard a gasp. "Is it really what we think it is" Mason asked with shock in his voice. Before I could even register what I was doing...I nodded.

When we came out of our short shock session, all of us moved a little bit closer to the mangled body, examining it with utmost caution. Scott hunched over and slid out the silver diamond bracelet off of the dead body's wrist. The presence of this bracelet was enough in letting us know who the person lying in front of us was. How? Well, we saw it on the wrists of none of other than Leah and her friends. When we first saw them, we had noticed that all of them wore similar bracelets on their left wrists and fact that they never, ever removed these bracelets  from their wrists was also not hidden from us. "so does that mean that this is one of the girls" Mason said pulling me out of my thoughts. "definitely" Scott said nodding. "guys, if one of them is here is there a possibility that others might be here somewhere as well?" Noah said. "well it can be possible" I said looking around the water. As I was looking around I saw something floating in the water just a few meters away. "I think we should start from there" I said pointing towards the floating object....

" the last one" Mason said as he dragged the last body out of the water and onto the land. He was panting slightly and so were all of us. If you're thinking why, it is because we just found 4 more bodies in the ocean. They were scattered around the water and we had to drag them out. Once all of them were lying on the sand in front of us, we noticed that all of them were wearing the silver bracelets. The fact that we were 1000 of miles away from civilization confirmed it that these bodies were indeed of Leah and her friends. To be honest, it slightly disturbed me, seeing their states. "but...why?" Scott murmured. "hmm?" I said turning my head to look at him. "why would they kill their own sisters" He said sounding confused. None of us needed to ask who he was talking about. Of course it was them. "guys I think they killed them and dumped their bodies along with us in the ocean" I said. "That's what I think as well because it's the only logical reason for our current situation" Scott said and all of us agreed. Suddenly my stomach growled loudly reminding me that I was still hungry. "guys...we need to eat" I said clutching my stomach slightly which had started to ache due to lack of food. "but we didn't find anything on this damn island!" Tyler said sounding frustrated. "guys...I don't think we have any other choice" Noah said eyeing the bodies. My stomach churned at the thought. Sure we had eaten meat before, but this, this was human meat. "guys I don't think we will be alive to witness the next sunrise if we skip this...we have to do it" Scott said. Everyone was silent for a few seconds. "well then" I said breaking the thick silence. "what are we waiting for..."

Hey guys so this was chapter 22. I hope you all enjoyed it.
Thanks for reading!
Bye! ❤

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