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My heart was pounding like crazy and I'm sure it will burst any second now. Before any one of us could utter a single word, Aiden grabbed my arm in a rather tight grip and hoisted me up from the ground. I started struggling, trying to get out of his grip but it just made him grip me even harder. I closed my eyes shut, trying not to scream. The pain was immense and I am sure a bruise had already formed on my arm from where he was holding me. I opened my eyes and looked to my side to see all of my friends were also in the same position as me. They were trying to fight back but we all knew that it was a waste of both time and energy. They are werewolves for God's sake!. Accidentally, my eyes shifted over to the metal door from which the Lycans had come. My eyes went a little wide as I saw 5 more shadows. They were casually standing at the door, watching the scene before them in silence.

I noticed Sarah looking at the metal door with confusion on her face. I turned to look at the door and smirked when I saw who it was. "come on in" I said to them and everyone's attention turned towards the main door.

"come on in" I heard Aiden say while I was trying to get out of Ethan's grip. I stopped and turned to look at the door, terrified of the fact that they had someone to help them, which would only decrease our chances of getting out of here. When I looked at the door, I saw 5 shadows walking towards us. I squinted my eyes in an attempt to see their faces. As they came in the line of our vision, my eyes went twice their size.
What are THEY doing HERE!.

"welcome girls" I heard Ethan say but I was barely paying attention to him. I couldn't remove my eyes from them.

"Thanks Ethan" Leah said smirking.

I stared at Leah with both confusion and disbelief. They know each other?!. I opened my mouth to speak but no words came out. To say I was astonished would be an understatement. "what the hell is happening!" Zoey shouted. We can't blame her, anyone could loose their shit in this kind of situation. "oh let me do the honour of telling you" Ethan said with a smile as if it was a sweet meet and greet. "They're our sisters" He said and my mind went blank. Did I hear him correctly?!. "sisters!" Rose shouted with disbelief. Yup! I did hear him correctly. "That's right" Ethan replied smirking. I looked up at Leah and she flashed me her dark blue eyes. My eyebrows squinted in confusion. Why does she have blue eyes?. Ethan must have seen my confused stare as he spoke up out of nowhere. "you're probably thinking why she has blue eyes instead of black if she is my sister...right?" He said looking at me with a slight smirk and I nodded my head slightly, my head spinning with all of this madness. "well they aren't Lycans yet...but they will become Lycans in the future" Issac replied. Oh god, how the hell are we gonna get out of here?! "Oh my god! we almost forgot!" Derek shouted out of nowhere, sounding excited like a kid who had come to the circus for the first time. "we have a surprise for you all" he said looking at me and my friends with a grin. The still single lightbulb over our heads made it much more unsettling. "what" Zoey asked scared. Then suddenly the room was eliminated with bright lights. I closed my eyes shut due to the blinding light. Suddenly I felt someone grab my shoulders, rather harshly, I may add and turn me around. "open your eyes love" I heard Ethan whisper in my ear. My breathing was ragged and my heart was pounding inside my chest. There was pin drop silence in the room. I took a deep breath and opened my eyes....

As soon as I saw what was in front of me, I wished I would've never opened my eyes. I wanted to scream my lungs out but I was frozen in shock and fear.

In front of us, Tyler, Mason, Scott, Noah and Zayn were chained to the walls like they were some sort of wild animals. Though the most horrifying thing was that they were covered in blood from the head to toe and bruises which looked like they were impossible to heal. Without wasting even a second of time, I dashed towards them. I had taken less than 3 steps when Ethan grabbed me by my hair and yanked me back to my previous place. I struggled, trying to get out of his grasp but it just resulted in more pain.

My head was throbbing in pain due to all this pulling. I turned my head to my side to see my friends were in the same position as me. The fact that we were so vulnerable and couldn't do anything to help each other and our mates brought tears into my eyes. Ethan tilted his head to look at me with an amused yet evil grin. "ohh am I hurting you sweetie" he asks me in a taunting manner. I look up at him with pure rage. "well I have something which will make you happy" He said with a huge grin. Before I could utter a single word, I heard the voice of clanking of chains. I turned my head to look at the front to see Zoey, Sarah, Rose and Ashley were being chained to the walls as well alongside the boys. "WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU!" I screamed at him, totally loosing my cool. Surprisingly instead of loosing his mind, Ethan looked at me with a calm face. Before I could shout at him anymore, he started dragging me towards my friends. "well you see" he started talking while dragging me..."last time we were kind enough to give you and your friends a comfortable place to stay, nice food to eat and everything you needed" he said with a stern voice. I was barely listening to him as I was trying to get out of his grip even though both of us knew that wasn't going to happen. We had reached the wall and I could now see Tyler's bruises and cuts more clearly, which only added to my agony. Then Ethan grabbed the chains which were sprawled on the ground and roughly shoved me into the wall. "but since you all were smart enough to pull that stunt" he said flashing me his pitch black eyes. "we have to keep you all here,with your beloved alphas so that you all can have a lovely time with your mates, for the last time in your lives" He said with a smirk on his face while looking at Tyler, as if taunting him. "what do you mean the last time" I asked, not really wanting to hear the answer. "until our wedding love" He said and my eyes widened. I started struggling again bit he held me in place with his one hand and he grabbed the chains with his other hand. He chained me to the wall along with my other friends. "bye dear" he said kissing my cheek..."sweet dreams" he said smiling. With that all of them walked out of the room, closing the door behind them leaving us in the hollow darkness.

The moment we were engulfed in darkness, I started crying. How are we suppose to get out of here?!. I was balling my eyes out when I heard a voice. "don't cry Zoe" the voice said. It was Zayn. I turned my head towards the left side from where the sound of his voice came. Even though I couldn't see him, I could feel his comforting eyes looking at me. "Dont cry love. All of us will get out of here. I promise" he said, struggling to speak. "I'm so sorry Zaynie, all of this is my fault. I was so mean to you. I even fought with you and got manipulated by those girls so easily. I'm so so sorry, all of this is my fault" I said crying harder as the weight of guilt crushed me. "no" I heard Sarah say. Her voice cracking. "All of us are equally at fault" she said trying hard not to cry.

"it's ok, it will get better" Zayn said in a calming voice.

Hey guys. So this was chapter 14.I hope you all enjoyed it.
Thanks for reading.
Bye! ❤

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