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All of us returned to the living room from the basement with our 'beloved' sisters trailing behind us. Never liked them anyways. No one apart from us and our families know that they are not our real sisters. You see, mine, Ethan's, Issac's, Liam's and Aiden's families have been family friends since generations. We are practically a big family. Me and the boys have been friends since our diaper days and are practically inseparable. Our grandfathers had come together and formed the strongest pack in the world, which holds that title even today. One day our parents were out on a emergency, to meet the neighbouring packs which were attacked by the hunters. According to the information which they were provided, there were 5 packs which were slaughtered by the hunters. They went out in the search of survivors, in hopes of adding new members to our already vast pack, and came back only with 5 newborn female wolf pups. Apparently, they were the only ones who had survived the attack. Our mothers immediately became fond of them and instead of making them an ordinary member of the pack, they made them a part of each of our family and that's how they became our sisters. Leah and other girls don't know that they are adopted because our parents didn't want them to know. The moment they stepped into our lives, all they have brought to us is bad luck. Me and the boys hate them with everything we are and since a new chapter of our life will be starting from tomorrow, we don't want any kind of bad luck clinging to us. So we have decided to end their miserable lives tomorrow itself and start our new lives with a token of love and good luck. I turned my head to look at Ethan and slightly smirked. He did the same, knowing exactly what I was thinking.

"guys we have to tell you something" A voice said from behind, snapping me out of my thoughts. I turned around to see Leah and the others had stopped walking and were standing there, looking kind of nervous. "what is it?" I asked, really just  wanting to get over with all of this. None of them spoke. They didn't even lift their eyes off of the floor. "What. is. it" I repeated more sternly now. None of us was in the mood of playing right now. Leah took a deep breath. "All of us have fallen in love with someone, who we believe will be our perfect partners and we want to marry them tomorrow along with your marriages" She mumbled looking away from us. I was surely a little surprised. "who are they" Ethan asked, somewhat curious to know who they were. Again none of them spoke up. "who the hell are they" he repeated, slightly raising his voice. Leah and the other girls stiffened a bit. "It's Tyler and his friends" Olivia mumbled. Now that's what took me by surprise. Before I could say anything, an idea struck me on how we could end their existence once and for all and that too by tomorrow. "fine" I said nodding. "all of you will get married to them tomorrow itself" I announced and their faces lit up like the full moon. "thankyou! thankyou so much!" Mia shouted as all of them skipped back to their rooms, with bright smiles on their faces. Ethan and the others gave me a confused look and without saying another word, I ushered them to our common study. Once we reached there I locked the door and explained them the idea which had been in my mind from the moment Olivia took the name of Tyler and his friends. After listening to it, all of them were grinning from ear to ear. "that's a great idea" Ethan said with a devilish smile. "I can't wait for tomorrow" Issac said with a grin on his face. "let's get some sleep guys, tomorrow is a big day for us" Liam said smirking and all of us nodded. With that all of us walked to back to our separate rooms, preparing ourselves for the best day of our lives.

Hey guys. So this was chapter 15. I hope you all enjoyed it.
Thanks for reading!
Bye! ❤

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