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A/N: I still can't believe I am starting a sequel for this already! PLEASE READ PADAWAN FIRST! (I also highly recommend reading Ad'ika, the prequel, as well.) I hope you all enjoy this one even more than the first!

Obi-Wan felt the pull of the dark. He resisted, like normal.

I am the Son, Evil Master. You are now mine to control.

"I am nobody's. I am not evil. I am a Jedi!" Obi-Wan whispered, hoping that the Son could hear him.

If you won't fall, then he will.


Ahsoka had a night of good dreams. A dream of what could happen after the war, what would become of the Republic.

Naboo is a pretty place. Anakin and Padme played with their children, while Obi-Wan had a picnic with Cody and Sal. Rex and Ahsoka were playing tag with some of the men, while Fives kept cheating and making Echo the tagger.

Ahsoka woke up and felt the Daughter. The Daughter's bird, Morai, was staring at her from the corner of her small room.

Ahsoka felt the Daughter enter her mind. Keep dreaming, young Ahsoka. The war will be over soon. The nightmares will soon be over.


Sal had a strange dream. The war was won, but it wasn't. The Separatists were gone, but so was the Republic. In its place was an Empire, ruled by a mysterious Emperor.

None of them are good, the Father told her after the dream. They both could get what they wanted if the Emperor didn't get his way.

Sal tried to push the dream into the back of her head, but she couldn't stop thinking about the Emperor. What if they could have peace?


Anakin had no dream. Well, he may have considered Mortis a dream, besides the fact that both Sal and Obi-Wan had strange eyes and Sal had a whole new lightsaber as well. Ahsoka's montrals were also a bit longer than Anakin last remembered, but she may have just grew recently.

Anakin shifted in his sleep and opened his eyes. He sighed and adjusted again. He had another mission soon. He needed to rest. He must be having strange visions again.

Or was he actually at Mortis?

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