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Obi-Wan found their squad a pipeline for easier passage throughout the Citadel.

"Let's go quickly and quietly," Master Kenobi signed to the group. The party nodded in affirmation and began crawling through the pipe. Kenobi held out a hand and the group stopped. They all looked up and saw a drop where they can climb up and out to the top floors.

"Brilliant," one of the 212th shinies, Snap, whispered in awe. He got out his camera and took a photo, momentarily blinding Master Piell's only remaining eye.

"Let's go," Kenobi ordered quietly. The men nodded and Sal looked down at her arm.

"Master?" Sal asked before Kenobi began to climb.

"Oh great. Snap, carry her. You don't have a bag," Kenobi replied while beginning his climb up.

"Sir yes sir," the shiny saluted as Sal climbed onto his back. She used the force to help Snap carry the extra weight. Sal looked down and saw Master Piell and the big drop down to the prison's bottom. She couldn't even tell if there was an end if she let go of Snap.

Cody yelled a few curses out and Sal looked up.

"PROBE!" Kenobi yelled down to them. Master Piell jumped up and slashed the droid, which fell down into the abyss of the drop. Sal heard security droids and a few more orders being yelled out. Snap climbed onto another floor and Cody was on the same floor helping another member of their squad get up. The door slammed shut and the shiny slumped, half of his corpse falling into Cody's arms. Cody dropped the body and Sal saw the blood cover the bottom door and Snap's feet. The corpse's head rolled over and stared at her with dead eyes. A soldier she could have saved if she reacted fast enough.

"Let's go," Cody ordered while continuing his trek up the shaft. Snap followed with a 'yes sir' and gave a tired huff while slowly climbing up the shaft.

Once they all made it to the top, Master Piell walked over to Sal and grabbed her injured arm. Sal gave an embarrassingly pathetic whimper and Piell unwrapped the wound. The Jedi discarded the bloody wrapping on the floor and examined the wound. Sal knew she shouldn't protest, as Master Piell may be able to identify what exactly she injured.

Piell ran his finger down the wound, making Sal shiver. The Master put his hand onto the whole of the wound and closed his eye shut. Sal felt Piell's force signature flow into her arm, every cell in her forearm adjusting to the sensation.

Master Piell opened his eye and let go of her injured arm. Sal's arm was still wounded and Piell continued his examination. The Master lifted his other hand and jabbed his pointer finger into the center of the wound. Sal's eyes widened and she let out a painful scream. The clones turned around and shrugged when they noticed that the Jedi Master was putting his finger into her arm. It must be a normal thing to them in these brutal missions.

Piell released Sal's arm and it looked like the knife never sliced open her arm. Sal cleaned off the wet blood and flexes her fingers. Everything was in order, thanks to the Jedi Master.

"Thank you, Master Piell," Sal thanked while giving a small nod towards the Master, a substitute to what would be a bow in the Temple.

"Don't mention it, Padawan. To get out of here, all of us need to be ready for what's to come," Piell replied while turning to catch up with the others. Sal followed until she reached the rest of the party, who were staring at a metal gate which blocked their exit.

"What now, sirs?" Snap asked while cleaning his camera lenses. Blood seems to have gotten on them. (Sal's blood? That trooper's blood?)

"The shuttle is already here, but it looks like we beat the other group," Cody replied while pointing to the ship, which was parked at the rendezvous.

"Anakin owes me 50 credits," Obi-Wan replied while pushing open the door with the force. "Let's go cash in that bet, shall we?"

"This could be a trap," Master Piell reminded Kenobi. "This is the Citadel; here, anything can happen."

Kenobi nodded with a grin. "That's why we are going to sneak in."

Cody gave Obi-Wan some rope and the Jedi began to climb down. Sal looked down and saw a river of lava.

"I wonder why they put the galaxy's most dangerous prison here," Sal gulped while putting her hands on the rope. She kicked off and began jumping down the rope. Once she hit the ground, more of the party began their descent to the pathway.

"Let's go," Obi-Wan ordered once Master Piell made it to the ground. The ledge was very narrow, making Sal double check every step she takes to not fall into the lava. She could not imagine being burned alive. Only Sith Lords deserve that fate.

The group reached a small bay where a bunch of strange speeder bikes where parked directly over the river.

"Anakin," Obi-Wan said into his comm. a sinister laugh echoed over the comm.

'What a nice escape attempt, Master Kenobi,' the voice of their captor laughed.

"It was easy to predict your every move," the voice added. The clones surrounded the Jedi and Sal grabbed her lightsaber, not igniting it until Kenobi decided to ignite his. Kenobi crossed his arms while a bunch of guns pointed at them. Spider droids and Droidekas surrounded them, as well as a small group of Commandos.

"I guess I am not getting my 50 credits, then?" Kenobi sighed while holding in a growl.

"Probably not, Master," Sal replied. "Probably not."

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