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1.5 years later

Raada was a small farming moon. It was the perfect place to settle down and hide from the Republic and Separatist forces. Being in the Outer Rim, Sal nor Cody ever learned about Kenobi's "death" or Ahsoka's trial. They never learned about Fives, Tup, and the inhibitor chip. They never knew how much time flew by until harvest season came.

Sal and Cody were tending the fields like usual. It was almost harvest season and the whole moon was busy with merchants and new workers.

"Codes," Sal said. "Toss me that hoe, will you?"

Cody looked over and tossed the tool to Sal, who thanked him and went back to work.

After the day ended, Sal and Cody received their small paychecks and made their way back to their small apartment. It was a dreary place; all of the decorations they owned related to war and were hidden in the closet.

"Codes," Sal whispered. "I think we need to get more clothes soon."

"Why is that?" the oblivious clone asked.

"We lost more weight," Sal grumbled.

"Did the food rations decrease again?"

"Don't worry, Codes," Sal said with a smile. "I believe that the rations will increase again once harvest is done and the merchants are gone."

"Thank the force," Cody sighed. "I hate those merchants."

"Me too, Codes, me too."

A knock on the door interrupted their conversation and Sal walked over to open it. Two people were outside.

"Fives? Ahsoka?" Sal asked. "What are you doing here?"

Ahsoka has grown. She was a little taller than Sal, blame it on her montrals. She wore a mechanic's jumpsuit with a matching headdress. Fives, on the other hand, was in his full suit.

"Sal," Ahsoka gasped. "We need your help."


In the middle of the night they left the apartment. Sal and Cody brought everything they could, including their now too-big armor and food rations.

"We have a few others on the ship waiting for us," Ahsoka said. "We have uncovered something huge."

Ahsoka helped them load the cargo hold as Rex, Anakin, Boil, and Echo walked down.

"Sal!? Commander!?" Boil gasped. "You're alive! Thank goodness!"

Boil wrapped them in a hug and walked over to help Ahsoka put the last food ration box in the cargo. They all got in and sat down at a table while Echo and Boil opted to drive.

"Obi-Wan's not in a good state right now," Anakin began. "I think he's a Sith."

"I know that," Sal replied. "One of the reasons why I left."

"We think you can turn him. You see, we recently killed Dooku, Grievous, and the Chancellor. That's a story for another time. I don't think that they are the last of the Sith," Anakin sighed.

"So you are saying that Kenobi, who is a literal Jedi Councilor, is a Sith," Cody replied.

"Yes, exactly," Ahsoka confirmed. "It all began after you both left."

"He had the Duchess, he would have been fine," Cody growled.

"Duchess Satine is dead," Rex informed them. "Killed by Maul in front of Obi-Wan."

"So you want us to bring him back?" Sal asked.

"Yes. Duke Korkie Kryze of Mandalore tried yet failed," Rex added.

"I don't think it would work with us, either," Sal sighed. "I don't think we are right for the job."

"Sal you gotta try," Fives insisted. "He still cares for you, both of you."

"He never did," Cody growled.

"Cody, he misses you terribly. Sal was one thing, but your were the breaking point," Ahsoka added.

"He broke me first," Cody replied. "He was already married."

"He divorced her officially right after you figured it out. Trust me, we all know what happened. Losing a lover and a kid at once is not easy, not even for a Jedi," Anakin said.

"Fine. We will try," Sal sighed. "But if it doesn't work I wouldn't be surprised."


Coruscant was different. It looked the same but the atmosphere of the people was different. It was more vibrant and active. Posters that were celebrating the end of the war were covering the buildings.

The group walked into the Council's chamber and looked around the room. A few new Masters were added, a few subtracted as well. Anakin sat down in a chair next to Obi-Wan, who looked like a ghost when he saw the two familiar sets of armor.

"Lady Tano, Commander Boil, Captain Rex, ARCs Fives and Echo, welcome," Windu nodded. "And former Commanders Kalani and Cody. What brings you two back here."

"We have some personal matters to attend to. Some bonds to break off," Sal replied while glaring at Kenobi from the corner of her eye. She and Cody had their helmets off, so Kenobi could see her glare even if she couldn't allow him to feel it. She hasn't connected to the Force since she basically abandoned the Order.

"Anyone in particular?" Anakin asked.

"Yes, Master Skywalker. We both would like to discuss matters with Master Kenobi in private," Sal nodded.

The meeting was dismissed and Kenobi followed Cody and Sal to a private meeting room.

"Why have you come back now?" Kenobi asked once they were in private, his eyes shining Sith gold.

"Because we needed to fix whatever is going on here," Cody replied.

"Oh, dearest Cody, I knew you would come back for me eventually. I divorced her, you know. You can be all mine again."

"We just need to get you out of this Sith mode," Sal rephrased.

"Oh. I don't plan on coming back," Obi-Wan laughed. "I have my favorite kid back. And my lover. Oh, how happy I am! I plan on ruling the galaxy."

Cody glared at him. "No you are not."

"Yes, I am, dear one. And you will be right by my side."

"You could never," Cody replied.

"Oh yes I can," Kenobi grinned. He grabbed Cody's arm and ran out the door. Sal followed them but Kenobi was just too fast.

"See you soon, my former Padawan," Kenobi laughed while jumping into a speeder with Cody in tow.

"CODY!" Sal screamed while looking down at the speeder.

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