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Kaleb took Sal's second saber as the camp got ready for an invasion. Sal and Cody helped set up for the battle but they knew they would have to run as soon as the 212th gunships began to come close.

"Sal!" Kaleb yelled. "Shield your force signature!"

Sal did as she was told and helped Cody shield his. "What do we do now?"

"Run, we can handle this."

"There are civilians!"

"Sal, in case you haven't noticed, the Republic doesn't care. If you aren't with them you are an enemy. Now go! I have a ship at these coordinates," Kaleb explained while giving Sal a small piece of flimsi.

"May the force be with you, ori'vod," Sal replied while typing the coordinates in her helmet.

Kaleb laughed. "Good luck, ad'ika."

Sal and Cody ran as fast as they could. They made it behind a cliff when the gunships began to unload. 212th men went out and got their weapons ready. Sal realized too late that the guns they had were flamethrowers.

The camp burned. A blue saber crashed with orange. Civilians screamed while the 212th, Sal's brothers and Cody's men, slaughtered the village.

Kaleb fell. Sal didn't know if he was injured, dead, or tired, but Kenobi saw the orange saber's hilt and scowled. Kenobi walked around the camp and Sal used her helmet to zoom in on him.

Something was wrong.

Obi-Wan's eyes were Sith yellow.

His eyes scanned the cliff they were on and they seemed to lock with Sal's for a brief second before continuing the scan.

"Let's go, kid. It's not safe for us here anymore," Cody sighed.

They slid down the cliff side and continued to run. Cody's comm was beeping with messages from his men and Obi-Wan himself. Sal got fewer messages, all from Boil.

They kept running but they knew that they were being followed by Kenobi and his troops.

Kenobi's speed outmatched both of them and he eventually caught up to him. His eyes were still yellow as he brought his lightsaber in front of his body and pointed it at Sal. Sal sighed and got out her saber and put it into a defensive stance.

"I don't want to hurt you, Master!" Sal said. "I was only going here to help improve Form 8!"

"Then why go here? With traitors?" Kenobi snarled.

"I should ask you why your eyes are Sith yellow, then," Sal replied.

"I guess we both did some bad things today, Sal. You didn't have to run, though. I just wanted my Commanders back."

"And you destroyed a village for it?" Cody asked.

"Yes," Obi-Wan admitted without shame. "They are against us anyways."

"They were civilians," Sal frowned. "And they told me the truth."

"What truth? Sal, nobody lied to you about anything!" Kenobi replied.

On Obi-Wan's hand was a wedding band. How had she not noticed it? Sal used the force to take it off his finger and his face paled once it landed in her palm. The clones that caught up to Kenobi's pace looked between Obi-Wan and Cody with awe. Until they didn't see a ring on Cody's finger.

"This is the very ring that married Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi to Duchess Satine Kryze of Mandalore," Sal frowned. "That means that you are technically cheating on Satine with Cody, Master.

"And that's not all! You know well enough, Master, that you and Satine were pregnant and had two kids. One was an average boy and the other a force-sensitive girl.

"You took the girl with you, Master, while you left little Korkie Kryze with your wife. You and Satine made up a clan for the girl, so you wouldn't be kicked from the Order.

"I don't know if it was coincidence that I ended up as your Padawan or if it was your choice, buir."

"Sal," Obi-Wan sighed. "I didn't want to leave the Order. I still hold some feelings for Satine but I also want Cody. I should have told you this a long time ago. I'm sorry."

"General Kenobi," Cody said. "You said that you didn't have an attachment to Duchess Satine anymore. I don't know how I feel about this anymore. I think I need a break from this."

"Cody..." Kenobi whimpered. "Please..."

"I'm sorry, Master," Sal replied. "But I don't think I can be your Padawan any longer. I hope you can understand."

Kenobi nodded and the troops began to retreat. Kenobi glanced at his former Commanders a second longer before leaving.

"Cody," Sal said. "Go with your men. They need you."

"No," Cody replied. "You need me more. Where shall we go, Sal?"

"I— I don't know."

"We will find a place. Somewhere in the galaxy must accept us."

Sal nodded and made her way to Kaleb's ship. They launched off the ground and made their way off the moon's surface.

"I found a place," Cody said while looking at his datapad.

"Where?" Sal asked while peeking over his shoulder.


A/N: I am finished writing this whole book, I just will post the last chapters throughout this week so y'all don't have to wait for too long.

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