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THIS CHAPTER IS VVVVEEEERRYYYY IMPORTANT TO THE PLOT OF THIS BOOK! This might be the most important chapter I have EVER written! It's a longer one as well, so enjoy!

The Council never received Sobeck's offer, as Sal later realized. Two months later, in fact. Sobeck kept his promise and came in to torture her every day. (His preferred weapon was shocking her.) Her force suppression collar prohibited her from contacting the Jedi and telling them she is alive for now.

It just gets worse from there. On the third day, Sobeck installed a microchip in her brain. She learned of Seppie plans, but it made a copy of her memories. Sobeck now knows everything she knows.

"Kalani," Sobeck grinned as he walked in with his torture devices. Sal saw a new device, something that looked like a Zygerrian whip. She internally groaned at the sight, as Sobeck promised whip torture after 2 months. (Or was it 3?)

"Your Jedi never saw the message, in fact, I never sent it at all. I have officially obtained all of your memories and will be using them against your friends," Sobeck told her as he grabbed the whip. "You are of no use to me anymore."

Sal stiffened and watched Sobeck whip the wall. His next target: her. Sal braced herself as soon as she saw the whip's end fly towards her. The whip made contact with her face, creating a deep cut from her left eyebrow to her nose. (Well, the cut wasn't new; it seemed to be the main target for Sobeck's vibroknife.) The father sighed in the back of her head.

Sal, you are about to die. I have one option to give you: I teleport you to a safe place or you stay here and die. The catch? I can't teleport you without leaving your body. You won't hear me again.

"Do it," Sal muttered. A flash of light engulfed her and she began to fall. She landed on a piece of pavement and groaned. A pair of two girls looked down at her and offered a hand. Sal took it and noticed her surroundings, she was in the Coruscant Underworld. A cloak covered her body and face, a pair of grey boots showing from underneath. Sal pulled back her cloak and noticed she was wearing a grey set of robes with a belt that had two identical lightsabers and a bag of credits. She wore armor on her shoulders and lower arms, both in a grey and orange color scheme. Her hair was in a high ponytail that reached her upper back. Her padawan braid was hidden in the ponytail, probably to help as a disguise.

"Are you okay?" the younger girl finally asked. "You fell down a few stories."

"Yeah, yeah. I'm fine," Sal replied.

The younger girl looked relieved. "I'm Trace, and this is my older sister Rafa. Nice to meet you—"

"Salana Kryze," Sal answered, hoping that the girls don't know who Jedi Padawan Sal Kalani is by chance.

"Kryze as in the Mandalorian family? What are you doing down here, on Coruscant in general?" Rafa asked. "Trace and I don't want to deal with Mandos."

"Rafa!" Trace scolds. "She just fell down a few floors! We have to help her get back up!"

"Trace," Rafa sighed. "Your ship isn't ready yet. It isn't even close to ready!"

"Fine," Trace replied. "I can call a taxi. I hope you got credits, Salana."

"I think I have enough," Sal smiled.

Trace called the taxi, which came in no time. Sal hopped in and the girls waved as she shut the door.

"Where to?" the driver asked.

"The surface, please," Sal replied.

The taxi driver complied and took her out of the Underworld. The flashy boards of ads caught her attention once she left the Taxi. She saw the date in the corner of the ads. She entered the Citadel in May. It is now September. It's been four months, not two. Four. Whole. Months.

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