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A/N: This chapter is the beginning of what I call "violent lane." This phase is my personal favorite and may be referenced in future parts of this book/series! If you aren't comfortable with violence, pain, ect, then I wouldn't recommend reading.

But anyways, enjoy!

Echo and Fives found the door to the captive Jedi's room. Echo tore off the keypad and began messing with the wires. The door slid open and the party blasted their way in.

"Master Piell!" Obi-Wan exclaimed while running to the injured Jedi's side.

"Master Kenobi. Took you long enough," Piell chuckled dryly.

"Are you okay?" Ahsoka asked Piell while handing him his lightsaber from the captor droid's arm.

"Yeah, yeah," the Jedi huffed. "I got the coordinates."

"Good," Anakin replied. "Now let's go!"

"I didn't finish, young Skywalker," the Master continued. "I have half of the coordinates."

"Where's the other half?" Sal asked, wondering if the Separatists cracked the Jedi enough to get the intel.

"My Captain and I each memorized half of the coordinates. That way, if I gave in, half the intel would still be safe."

"Where is your Captain?" Obi-Wan asked Piell.

"With the other officers, if I am correct. We must hurry, though. You all are risking your lives and sanity by coming here. We don't want to be here forever, eh?"

The Jedi all nodded in agreement. Rex and Cody gave out some orders and moved down the hallway. The party continued on and the quiet hallways filled with noise.

"Commandos," Rex hissed while getting his blaster out.

Commando droids surrounded them and charged with their blasters at the ready. The droids charged from both sides and the Jedi deflected while the clones killed. One of the droids grabbed a knife and plunged it into the ribs of one of the 212th troopers, repeatedly stabbing the man to his death.

The rest of the droids launched at them and Sal saw one coming for her. The droid launched at her and tackled the padawan to the floor. Sal ignited her lightsaber but the droid held her hands on the floor. Sal kicked the droid but realized that these droids were made of a metal that hurt to kick. Meanwhile, Cody was wrestling and punching a droid to their death. Sal lost focus and felt a horrible pain in her right forearm. She looked up and saw the droid's hand connected to her arm, the droid's blade hitting its mark. Sal screamed in agony and used the force to get the droid away. Her force judgement followed suit, shocking the droid and powering it down forever.

Sal sighed and counted to herself as she gripped the droid's knife.

3... 2... 1...

She ripped the blade out and noticed that her arm was bleeding more profusely than she had earlier expected. Sal got up and examined her arm.

"Does anyone have bacta?" Sal asked the group. "I'm bleeding."

Obi-Wan turned around and noticed the wound. He grabbed a long bacta strip from one of the clones and examined the wound. Sal winced when he touched the mark.

"That's deep, Sal. I will wrap it to keep the blood in but I wouldn't be surprised if they amputate it if and when we get back to the Temple," Obi-Wan speculated while finishing the wrapping.

"It's not as bad as some wounds, Master," Sal replied with a bit of hesitation, mostly trying to comfort her Master so they could finish this mission with ease.

"Let's get going," Anakin told them while continuing to walk forward.

"Sir yes sir," Fives and Echo replied in unison while following their General.

A buzzing sound rung throughout the hallway and the party covered their ears. Their weapons floated to the ceiling and Sal heard Anakin yelp. Sal looked up and had to hold in a laugh when she saw Master Skywalker dangling from the ceiling. Those thoughts vanished when Skywalker was suddenly limp after being shocked by a painful sounding electric shock.

"Master!" Ahsoka cried while watching Anakin's body dangle from the ceiling.

"FOOLS!" a voice that filled the hallway laughed. "You are now ALL going to be my guests, for a very long time."

Masters Kenobi and Piell used the force to push away the incoming commandos.

"They are magnetized!" Kenobi shouted.

Sal and Ahsoka helped the Masters push away the droids with no luck. The droids were pushing against them until Sal felt her lightsaber come to her. She ignited it and slashed some droids with her good arm. Anakin got up with Ahsoka's help and they marched onwards.

"We are almost there, I feel it," Master Piell told them once they reached another section of the gruesome prison. "This one."

Anakin ignited his saber and cut open the door. Ahsoka kicked a droid in a fashion Rex must have taught her. She stabbed the droid and saw the Captain. An older human male walked into the light with a few clones behind him.

"General," the man smiled.

"Captain Tarkin," Piell replied with a grin.

"Glad to see you alive," the Captain added with no formalities. He wasn't a clone, so Sal assumed he wasn't trained as efficiently as the clones were.

"We have to get moving," Ahsoka told the group while looking out the door. "There could be more droids heading our way."

"We are splitting up," Kenobi told the whole of the group. "Piell, 212th with me and 501st, Tarkin with Anakin."

"Sir yes sir," the clones replied while going with their groups. Sal ran behind the rest of her group while helping the 212th throw bombs on the ground.

Kenobi turned around and Sal gave him the remote. Droids were following them and her Master pushed the button. The 212th party heard explosions and they all felt like that was a small victory in this battle.

Kenobi ran up to them and Sal waved with her injured arm, wincing after she noticed that blood was starting to leak out of the wrapping.

"Let's go," Kenobi told them while throwing Sal a bacta strip. "And rewrap your injury, Sal."

Sal nodded and they continued on. Their escape will be harder than they ever thought before.

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