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The training rooms in the Temple were all vacant when Sal and Cody made their way over to train. Sal grabbed her sabers and fought a training droid while Cody beat up a squad of B1s in a sim.

"Ugh!" Sal growled. "I don't know what I am doing wrong, but I have tried every Jar'kai method possible but I still can't beat this droid!"

Cody walked over to Sal and grabbed one of her sabers. "Have you considered using only one?"

"The Father gave me two sabers," Sal replied. "I swear he was giving me a hint but what if he was trying to waste my time?"

"Are you planning on dueling this Sith by yourself?"

"Well, yeah—"

"Maybe you got two sabers because the Father wants you to use one," Cody suggested. "Maybe it's calling for you to pass on the second blade. You just have to find the right person."

Cody gave Sal the blade but she pressed it back into his palm. "You keep it then."


"Why not? You suggested it! Who else would take it! Majority of my friends are Jedi and the others are your brothers!"

Cody frowned. "Do you know anybody who isn't involved in this war?"

"Um, there's Dex," Sal replied. "And the Kryzes. But they are pacifistic. The only violent Mandos I know are from Deathwatch."

"Maybe the Father wants you to recruit some Mandalorians," Cody shrugged. "Let's go."

"Where are we going, again?"



"This is a horrible idea."

"You are the one who mentioned Death Watch in the first place, did you not?"

"I didn't think we would actually do this!"

"They won't kill us if we are offering a saber."

"Still stupid. They betrayed me. He betrayed me."

"By what I can assume, you know these Mandalorians quite well."

"Well, yes, but— I only know one as a brother. My vod. But that was years ago."

"We are going to this vod of yours first."

Sal laughed. "They would rather recruit me first."

"Then that's what we do, then," Cody replied. "Sal, we have to defeat this Sith. That means we need the Death Watch to help us. Understand?"

"Sir yes sir."

"Okay. What's this guy's name?"

"Kaleb Viszla. He is a 25-year old ex-Jedi Knight. He left the Order due to... politics."

"Okay then. So we find this Kaleb, ask him for help, then we go find a place to train with him," Cody planned out.

"Won't be that easy. Deathwatch is a terrorist group. We have to land on Concordia and hope that the Viszlas allow this ship on the planet."

Cody lowered the ship into the Concordia atmosphere and was granted access to land near the Deathwatch camp. A group of armed Mandalorians walked over to their ship and pointed their blasters at the ramp. Sal put on the last of her old Mandalorian armor and put the helmet on her head before heading down the ramp. Cody did the same with his plastoid and the blasters lowered once they saw the paint on Sal's armor.

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