2: Café date

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Hello here you go my sweethearts. Oh and you are bisexual in this book :). If you aren't bisexual sorry but we support lgbtq+ here. Ok and don't worry about the Spanish words I'll translate them if needed.

I woke up once again to the buzzing of my phone. I turned it off and walked over to my laptop that sat by my desk. I opened it, and was almost blinded by the light that admitted from the bright white screen.

"Damn I need to put that on dark mode." I said rubbing my eyes sluggishly.

I logged onto a paper that I had due in about a week. My mom was very strict with me getting my work done, so I decided to do my homework.

I quickly typed down my ideas for the rough draft. But my attention was caught by my mom walking in with a plate of bedote with beans and cheese.

"Thank you Ama." I said. My mom smiled and kissed my cheek.

"So you finally woke up?" Said my mom raising her eyebrow at me. I chuckled and she ruffled my hair.

"Oh come on it's.." I picked up my phone to check the time. "Oh yeah it's 12." I said. My mom rolled her eyes before laughing and walking out.

I heard a soft ding come from my phone. I picked it up to see a text from "Ranboo" or at least thats how I think you say it.

I opened it to see a simple "hello." I typed back "hi hi".


Hi!! Oh and you can call me toaster.
Why is your name toaster??

I chuckled to myself.

No idea that's just what my friends call me. At least if I had any.

It's gold.

Cant argue with the people.

True, be careful or Twitter will come for you.


Oh and by the way , I was wondering if you were free later today. There's a good cafe nearby.

I don't know why but I was shaking nervously. I felt my heart pound in my chest, and my breath tighten. But I shook it off by shoving a reasonable size of the bread my mom gave me into my mouth.

I waited nervously for his response. I closed my eyes to take a quick deep breath, I heard a ding.

It read. "Yeah sure, I'll meet you later today." I felt like jumping out of my seat.

I quickly typed back.

Great! You can pick me up at ********** I'll meet you at 3 pm. :]

Alright I'll try to look my best. See you then!!

I set down my phone and sped up eating my food.

I quickly finished the rest of my paper. I still had a week left so I didn't worry about rushing it. I could always edit it later.

But at this point it was 1 pm. I grabbed a towel and some extra clothes.

After I got out the shower I threw on a black skirt, a red oversized sweater, thigh high socks, and my favorite pair of platforms. (And yes this is the exact outfit I'm wearing right now lmao)

My hair was always difficult to handle so I just combed it real quick with water to make it stay put for the remaining of the day.

I waited nervously for the clock to hit 3. It was sitting at 2:58. I don't know why but I was extremely nervous.

I walked downstairs to greet my mom before I left.

"Where are you going?" Asked my mom teasingly as she saw it was the first time in weeks that I wore something casual.

"With my friends. I'll be back by 8." I said. My mom raised a suspicion eyebrow.

"Why soblate? Is it a date??" She asked in a gasp.

"AMA! No he's just a friend. We decided to meet at a cafe for some coffee. I'm helping him with an assignment." I lied quickly so my mom wouldn't get suspicious.

"Ok, but if he tries anything, le daré una patada en el culo." (I'll kick his ass) I laughed at my moms joke, at least I hope it was a joke.

I sat down on the couch waiting for the doorbell to ring. And too my surprise when the clock hit 3. The bell rang perfectly. I practically ran over to open the door.

There was Ranboo in a plain white shirt and black pants. It was very causal but cute at the same time. I could tell he was nervous, because he was smiling awkwardly and was stood up straight with his chin up.

I chuckled to myself, but he was so goddamn tall. I would've guessed 6,6, I was practically looking up at him.

"Hello." He said nervously. I chuckled and waved back.

"Hi, you look great." I said, he smiled softly.

"You look amazing too, and sorry I'm a bit nervous. Human interaction isn't my thing." He said, I nodded.

"No worries, I'm nervous too." I said. Then there was an awkward silence.

"Ahem, anyway so you said you wanted to show me this cafe?." Asked Ranboo sweetly, thank god he broke the silence. I nodded.

"Oh yeah, it's in a walking distance too so there's no need for a car." I said. He nodded and followed along with me across the street.

I made sure to look both ways, but the cars here were always going at high speeds and never stopped for civilians.

I walked and chatted with Ranboo. And I got a bit too lost in the conversation. Because Ranboo quickly grabbed my hand and pulled me too his chest.

"That was way to close!!" Ranboo said in hysteria. I was laughing but realized I was still leaning on his chest. I freaked out and jumped out of his arms.

I realized he saved me from getting naeh naehed on by a car.

"IM SO SORRY." I said covering my face in embarrassment. Ranboo was laughing and grabbed my hand from my face.

"It's alright." He said still laughing.

"But next time we are taking the actual crosswalk." He said still laughing. I nodded.

"Probably for the better." I said laughing.

We carried on walking to the small cafe. But I couldn't help but blush when I talked to him.

We sat down at a small two person table.

"So tell me a little about yourself. You seem really interesting I'd love to get to know you more." I said chuckling.

This was starting to turn into a café date.

Hi peeps. Love ya, hope you enjoy.
Word count: 1104


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