23: She'll be fine.

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I found this edited photo of Ranboo and it's got me thinking. Like damn, mans is pretty hot ngl.

Anyway I'm back bitches, y'all missed me. Anyway I'm back to publishing, I'm done being a pussy so I'm actually going back to entertaining.

Anyway enjoy!!!

I woke up, I had gotten a good sleep. If it wasn't for waking up at 6:00 in the morning.

I slowly got up, the sun wasn't even out by now. But I had school, so I quickly changed into something suitable for today.

I wore  a pair of black ripped jeans, I couldn't find another shirt to wear so I wore a regular t-shirt. And tied a red jacket around my waist, as well as I wore my trademark doc martins. (Fit check let's gooooo)

I opened my phone to discord. I had forgotten I had downloaded it, I stopped what I was doing, and logged into my account.

I had discord but I never used is so I just deleted it and moved on. I quickly sent Ranboo a text.

I just remembered I had a discord account a long time ago, it's Toaster#3672

I quickly regretted texting him, it was fucking 6:00 in the morning. Why would he see it?? I facepalmed and closed my phone.

But surprisingly I heard a ding come back.

Yeah I'll add you one second.

It didn't take long for me to hear another ding.


Ayyy it worked!! :)


Wait why are you up?

I couldn't go back to sleep, but why are you up Mr. Boo??

Haha.... anyway, are you going to need me to walk you to school?

Yup, you can meet me at my porch. Cya then.

Ok I love you!! Cya then. <3

Love you too!! <3

I closed my phone, I was still laying on my bed. I got up to brush up my hair. After what I thought what was decent it was about 6:45.

I walked downstairs to make myself some sort of breakfast. I tried to make as little of noise as possible, since my mom was asleep.

But my mom walked down the stairs. She rubbed her eyes and waved at me making toast, I stopped what I was doing and walked over to my mom.

"Buenos dias." (Good morning) I said before I kissed my moms cheek. I could tell she was tired.

"Buenos dias, Que haces?" (Good morning, What are you doing?) my mom asked peering over my shoulder.

"I'm making toast." I said, my mom nodded and walked over to the fridge. She pulled out 3 tamales.

"Ayer hice tamales, quieres algo?" (I made tamales yesterday, do you want some?" Asked my mom, I nodded happily and sat down after warming up the tamales.

After I finished I packed the rest for my lunch. I heard a knock at the door. I got up to get it, but my mom beat me to it.

"Quien es?" (Who is it?) my mom said peeking through the door.

"Ama it's my friend don't worry." I said, she nodded and opened the door for Ranboo.

I waved and quickly grabbed my pack pack.

"Oye, es tu novio co el que has esta "estudiando" todo la semana?" (Is this your boyfriend you've been "studying" with?) my mom asked raising and eyebrow at me, I rolled my eyes.

"Te amo ama, ya me voy." (I love you mom, I'm leaving.) I said kissing her cheek, my mom chuckled and waved as me and Ranboo walked out onto the concrete.

"I don't know what your mom was saying but she is scary." He said, I laughed.

"You are not wrong my mom is the most terrifying person you'll ever meet, but she's pretty sweet." I said, Ranboo laughed.

"Yeah she seems sweet." He said, I nodded.

"Don't hit on my mom now." I said nudging him, Ranboo burst out laughing. I laughed with him.

"Oh wait this is it." I said pointing to the school, Ranboo looked up.

"Oh yeah, we have 20 minutes. Damn that's a while." Said Ranboo, I nodded and still walked to the school.

We could always sit by the basketball court. The school hadn't started but that was the only place students could go if they came early.

I saw Melissa.

"HII!!" I waved, she looked at me and looked down. Ranboo looked at me and nodded.

"Go talk to her, she needs it right now." He said, I nodded. I slowly walked over to Melissa.

"Hey" I said softer this time. She looked up.

"Hi." She said meekly, I sighed. "Hey about yesterday, I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have left and made you feel alone. I just didn't know how to tell you that I don't feel the same about you. I hope we can still be best friends? Put this behind us?" I asked, Melissa riddled with her fingers. She looked up to looked me in the eyes. Her brown eyes sparked.

"Yeah, that'd be nice." She said shyly. I pulled her into a hug.

"I'll catch you later, see you later!!" I said, she softly smiled and waved.

I walked back over to Ranboo. "How'd it go?" He asked. I smiled and grabbed his hand.

"Great actually!" I said, Ranboo smiled and squeezed my hand.

Me and Ranboo talked for a while, Melissa was sitting my herself on her phone. I was starting got get up so I could accompany her, but someone had the same idea.

A pretty brown haired girl with shimmering blue eyes went to sit with her. She had long hair and pretty bangs, that fit perfectly for her freckles face, and she wore mom jeans with a tight green-army color.

I watched as Melissa blushed at the sight of the girl and began to talk with her. I nudged Ranboo so he could see what I was seeing.

He smiled, "See she'll be fine, don't worry."  He said comforting, I chuckled and kissed Ranboos cheek. (With a stretch of course I couldn't even reach his chest without jumping.)

"She'll be fine."

Hi sorry for the one break it was meant to last 2 days but some stuff came up. But here you go.

Word count: 1060


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