|| Chapter twenty two - Like Any Other Day

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[ Author's Point Of View ]

The bell rang, signaling the start of lunch. Everyone in the classroom sighed in exhaustion, some rested their heads on their tables, some sat lifelessly in their chairs, and some facepalmed and massaged their temples while their elbows supported their heads. Everyone's energy was drained after an hour of lecturing. After all, it is exam week.

Clapping sounds disrupted the entire class "Now, don't forget to study the three lesson topics we discussed today, as they will appear on the exam tomorrow. Good luck with your studies and exams." The teacher gave instructions.

Everyone responded weakly except for the ones who still had the energy to respond. You laid your head down on your table, currently suffering from loss of braincells and migraines. Suddenly you feel light taps on your shoulder. You turned your head and found yourself face to face with Elise. "Yes?" you said with a smile. [yall remember her? one of the newly added characters :3]

Both of your faces are only a few inches apart. "Let's go get lunch," she said with a grin.

"Could you be any more closer?" you chuckled without breaking eye contact.

"I could, but I'm hungry," she replied with a chuckle.

You giggled and did a few stretches before standing up. You called for Ying and Yaya then the four of you walked towards the cafeteria. Ying stretched her arms while she groanes, "Maaaaan, exams came by so fast I hardly even saw it coming." You groaned back in agreement and rubbed your temples slowly, "I cannot afford to lose any more braincells."

"Hang in there guys, there's only two weeks before the School Festival." Yaya comforted.

"Yeah, As much as I want to go, I'd rather not" Elise protested.

"Nope ma'am, you're coming with us wether you like it or not." You said before intertwining your arm around her arm, holding it tightly and dragged her faster towards the canteen. Elise can't help but sigh in defeat as she let her friends guide her towards the school's crowded canteen.

- le magical time skip brought to you by Ying's collection of Anime Figurines -

After lunch break was over, your next class started and everyone was assigned to study on their own. It can be done by pairs, groups and solo. So you guys decided to study as a group and sat down on the floor forming a circle.

You sat beside Boboiboy, beside you is Ying then Yaya and Elise then Gopal and finally back to Boboiboy.

"So.. Thomas Edison invented the telephone, Alexander Bell dude the lightning rod thingy and Benjamin Franklin invented the lightbulb. Right?" Boboiboy muttered as he asked Gopal.

Gopal nodded confidently, "Right."

"WRONG" you all corrected them in unison. They both looked confused and let out an "Eh?" response.

"You got them mixed up." You added.

"Yeah, Thomas invented the lightbulb, Alexander the telephone and Benjamin the Lightning Rod" Ying explained. They respond with an "ohhh" sound as Boboiboy faceplamed. "Damn, History is harder than it sounds" Boboiboy complained.

"We don't have much of a choice." Yaya sighed.

"I'm having quite a headache right now.." Elise rubbed her temples softly. Everyone sighed and groaned in annoyance and exhaustion. This weeks examination is really pressuring them. The six friends continued studying more even if they didn't want to.

"Ah!" Bryce popped out of nowhere and noticed us. His arm around Fang's shoulder as Fang kept his cool by looking at us only with his eyes. The other six responded together with an "Ah" which made Bryce' grin wider.

"You were the one who kicked Fang's ass on the first day! Man, I laughed so hard my-" he was cut off by Fang head locking him. He repeatedly mouth 'Im sorry' ten times before Fang let him go.

"Dude, you gotta stop with the head locks. My neck might break.." Bryce whined. Fang responded with a 'tch'.

"Yeah..? Sooo?" You asked.

"That was awesome! I'll give you that." He grinned with giving you a little wink. You stared at an angry Boboiboy whose throwing daggers at Bryce. "Hey! I've got a great idea! Need help with studying? Bryce can help you with that!" He said to himself proudly. The six gave each other the looks before agreeing.

"I guess it wouldn't hurt.." Yaya reassured. Bryce' face lit up before dragging Fang whose about to ran away and took a seat on the floor.

"The name's Bryce by the way. Pleasure to meet yall!" He cheered. Everyone gave him smiles and introduced themselves back. They continued to study and had a little bit of fun at the same time. Bryce is very boisterous and outgoing kind of guy; who gets along with everyone and can probably be friends with anyone within five minutes.

Elise reads her notes and wrote down what her thoughts onto her notebook when she accidentally hit her eraser off of her grasp. It landed on the ground, as she was about to pick it up, another hand touched her hand and they immediately gain eye contact. Bryce smiled at her as she feel like her cheekbones suddenly burning. She flinches her hand back because of the sudden touch. Bryce gave her the eraser and said, "Your eraser, milady." He did a little bow as if he was her escort. He did it too charmingly than Elise grew a small garden of flowers in her stomach, like a warm and fresh feeling.

Looking away as if she didn't felt something just now, she took her eraser and thanked him bluntly. Still smiling like the charming prince he is, Bryce blinked thrice in confusion. He thought that he may have received a cold treatment from a girl he just met. A cold treatment from a girl, for the very first time.

He shrugged it off and continued to what he was doing. Elise took this opportunity to take a side glance at him, her glasses shimmering from the light coming through the window, fresh breeze of wind went inside the room and at that moment; Elise witnessed the most beautiful sight she had ever seen. Bryce' short wavy hair dances with the wind, the light shines on his face as he smiled and feel the warm breeze hugging him.

Elise is seeing stars. And lots of it from Bryce. Stars and sparkles floating around him. Soon she realized she was taking too much time staring at him that Bryce was able to break her out of her thoughts, "Elise? Something wrong?" He smiled sweetly as he raised a brow.

Elise starstruck to what she saw, couldn't find the right words to say. Her face turned baby pink and looked away while shaking her head, covering it with her folder as she avoid any more eye contact with Bryce. Bryce on the other hand, couldn't help but laugh to himself on how he finds Elise cute. Like a little ball of hamster.

And the day went on like that. Boboiboy constantly arguing with Fang from time to time while you try to stop them. Ying and Yaya continued studying and have a little argument from here and there. Gopal sneaking to eat snacks while no one's looking. Elise trying her best to avoid any more interactions with Bryce but Brcye' kept bugging her and asking her for some things. Making Elise' face flushed red from time to time and Bryce' charming grin never fades.

Just like that, the day went on like any other day.

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