|| Chapter twenty four - Preparation

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Exam days ended sooner than expected and the remaining days was scheduled as preparation for the festival on the next week. Everyone was busy with their own businesses. Some practicing for plays and bands, some creating props, some cleaning, some at the canteen eating, some going back and forth carrying stuffs. 

Your class section decided to hold a butler cafe. In which the boys serve and entertain orders while the girls deals with the food. That idea caused chaos inside the classroom for 10 minutes, mostly the boys protesting that it should be the other way around. The girls not backing down saying that "Maid Cafes" are too overrated and wanted to try something. Basically, the war was won in favor of the girls.

After that discussion, it was lunch time. Boboiboy and Gopal went together towards the canteen. After buying their food, they went to the instrumentalists club for band practice. The four of them, including Fang and Bryce, agreed to play in a band so that they won't have to help at the "Butler Cafe". It's a clever excuse they can come up with. The two boys went inside the room, Gopal went straight to sit with the drums and Boboiboy sat at a chair in front of it.

As Gopal chews on a pretzel on his mouth while making small beats on the drums, he turns to Boboiboy, "Hey Boboibooooyy..."

"Yeah?" Boboiboy responded as he opened his bag of bread. 

"Do we really have to team up with Fang? I mean.. we don't get along very much"

"We don't have a choice. Unless you want to wear a butler suit and entertain tables, I'd say otherwise." Boboiboy took a bite from his bread as Gopal groaned in frustration. 

"Don't you want that though? To impress Y/N?" Gopal smirked, earning choking sounds from Boboiboy. Gopal snickered at Boboiboy while handing him a bottle of water. 

"Dude, not everything is about her..."Boboiboy mumbled as he wiped his mouth, face blushed red. 

"Uh.. yes it is." 

Boboiboy sighed. "I know this band thing is just an excuse but I REALLY KNOW you're going to impress Y/N using this. Am I right or am I correct?" Gopal said proudly.

Boboiboy blushed in frustration as he scratched his nape. "You're annoying shut up" Gopal fell to the ground as he laughs hysterically. "I was keeping that to myself... How did you know?"

Gopal got up and snaked an arm around Boboiboy's neck, arm locking it as he rubbed Boboiboy's head with a fist making Boboiboy wailed, "I'm your best friend! I know everything!"

"OW! OW! OWWW! STOP!!" Boboiboy struggled to get out but Gopal was stronger than he though. He taps continuously on Gopal's arm as if it was a wrestling match. "FIRST OF ALL, THAT'S JUST PLAIN CREEPY AND SECOND, NO YOU DON'T KNOW EVERYTHING!"

"YES I DO!!!" Gopal screamed back.

"OOW!! NO!!! YOU DON'T KNOW THAT I ASKED HER OUT!!" Boboiboy's response filled the room dead silent as Gopal let Boboiboy go from his grip as he stood there in confusion.

[ an actual representation of Gopal's confused face ]

Letting Boboiboy catch a few breaths while Gopal still stood confused, "Dude, ack.. I thought my head would come off-" He was cut off by Gopal and head locking him again. 

"YOU SNEAKY BASTARD WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME??!! HUH?!! HUH?!! AM I A JOKE TO YOU??!! HOW DARE YOUUUU!!!" Gopal yelled in a confused and playful manner, earning a scream from Boboiboy in which he screamed back to him, making the two of them fall on the ground in exhaustion. 

The two pants heavily as each of them laid on the ground arms spread starring at the ceiling. 

"hah.. haa... you never... told me... anything..." Gopal managed to say.

"hah!.. what am I supposed to say.. haaa.. I'm embarrassed.."

Gopal sat up and look at him, "Since when?"

Boboiboy sat up too, "Are you asking when I was I ever embarrassed or the date when I asked her out?" 

Gopal starred at his best friend.

[ actual representation of Gopal's reaction ]

Sighing he rolled up his sleeves slowly and said, "Okay hold on, let me smack the crap out of you

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Sighing he rolled up his sleeves slowly and said, "Okay hold on, let me smack the crap out of you."

Boboiboy panicked, "OKAY! OKAY! STOP! I think I asked her a week ago... "

Gopal sighed as he straightened his position, "Well? Did it go well? What did she say?"

Boboiboy shrugged, "I figured she might need some time to answer me so I said she'll give me an answer when she's ready.." He said as he carefully played with his fingers.

"Was she happy about it?"

"Does blushing furiously like a tomato counts? She also cried and her face looks like a beat up pink mochi" Boboiboy chuckled to himself.

Gopal puts his hand on his best friend's shoulder and smiled, "I think we'll see good results."

Boboiboy's face lit up, "Really?" Gopal nodded, "But you'll have to treat me hot chocolate from Grandad." Boboiboy sighed in defeat and agreed, making Gopal jumped in glee. At the same time, the bell rang signalling the end of lunch time. The two looked at each other and Boboiboy said, "We didn't get to practice.."

The two walked out of the room as Gopal said, "Well you had to put Y/N first as always.."

Boboiboy smacked him, "HEY! STOP!" Earning a laugh from Gopal, making Boboiboy laugh with him until they arrived at their classroom.

- - -

After almost a week of preparation, the school festival was two days near. Everything has been set up and is in perfectly good shape. Everyone practiced their parts and lines, booths and stalls already set up and decorations was finished. The whole afternoon was spent by decorating your classroom, planning the menus and need stuffs for the butler cafe. Homeroom was then over and everyone started walking home.

- - -

Okay this is kinda short and I'm sorry lmao I'll upload the longer chapters maybe later or tomorrow <3 

Thank you for the love and support! Lots of love! <333

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