|| Chapter eleven - Boboiboy

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uhm.. I'm sorry hehe This took a while. Might be a little boring cause I kept having writer's block. Also might be a little long
This is the last chapter that contains angst so buckle up everyone!
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[ Boboiboy's Point Of View ]

"GRANDAD!! IS THIS ALL?" I called out to grandad from the living room. Few boxes of cocoa in front of me.

"YES BOBOIBOY! PLEASE DELIVER THEM" Grandad shouted back from the kitchen.

I responded with an 'okay' and started carrying the boxes out of the house. I exhaled and started running towards the first house I'll be delivering. I ran around town delivering the boxes and I'm finally down with one box. I stopped and took a break to catch my breathe. I'm used to running around but it can be tiring sometime. [ ever heard of transportation vehicles bb? XD guess not ] 

My last destination was near the park. And it's not far from where I stopped. I started walking passed through the park instead. A short cut. Children with their guardians or parents were playing around and spending time together. I can see pets too.

I sighed and thought, "Must be nice to have parents.."

I shake away my thoughts and decided to ran. I went to my destination and successfully delivered the last box. I started to walk back home. Again the park. I can't help but look at the kids with their parents. Smiling and laughing. I wish I could feel that too.

[ author's point of view ]

A small sad smile plastered on Boboiboy's lips. He wanted that too. He wanted to meet his parents. He wanted to know where they are right now and how are they doing. But Grandad never spoke a word.

Sighing once again, he walked away from the park.


"GRANDAD I'M HOME!" He shouted as he closed the doors behind him. "BOBOIBOY! I'M IN THE KITCHEN! HELP ME WITH THIS PLEASE!" Grandad shouted back as Bobioboy went to the kitchen.

Grandad turned at Boboiboy with a smile, "Help me put these cans of cocoa inside those boxes." Boboiboy nodded and took a seat at a chair on the table. He sit silence as he put the cans inside. 

"Hey grandad.."

"Yes Boboiboy?"

He paused for a minute and thought about what to asked. Taking a deep breathe, he said, "Do you know.. where Mom and Dad are?" 

Grandad stopped in his tracks and was frozen. Sweats dropped as he gulped. He knew Boboiboy would ask him about hi parents one day. But now.. is not the right time. He turn around and shot him a smile, "It's getting late. You get some rest and I'll finish up here."

Boboiboy looks down in disappointment and sighed. He nodded and went upstairs. Grandad sighed as he leaned on the counter of the sink. "I'm sorry Boboiboy. You have to wait a little longer before I tell you." He thought to himself as he went back to work.


Boboiboy laid on his bed, sighing every once in a while. Ochobot, his little robot kinda looking ball buddy flew towards him, "Hey Boboiboy... you kept sighing for 15 minutes. Is something wrong?" 

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