|| Chapter twenty nine - The Climax

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A typical school day, but the teachers abruptly declared an emergency and ordered everyone to leave. Even though you and Boboiboy haven't made up, you decided to return home with the gang because you all live in the same neighborhood. After Yaya consulted him and you were consulted by Maris and Fang, you and Boboiboy began to warm up to each other. With those two-second stares you gave each other, sometimes standing right next to each other, the small acts of kindness you showed each other, but no full conversation. [a/n: some pride yall got HAHAHAHA LMAO]

The five of you walked down the street, thinking about going home. Elise justified her absence by stating that she needed to organize things at her bookstore. Fang and Bryce are nowhere to be found, leaving the gang of five to walk home.

"DAMN THIS HEAT IS KILLING ME!" Gopal exclaimed next to Boboiboy as he loosened his collar. Ying, You, and Yaya are standing in front of them. "WHY DID THEY EVEN LET US WEAR UNIFORMS TO SCHOOL ON A HOT SUNNY DAY, ONLY TO LET US GO HOME IN THE END?"

"First and foremost, we have to wear uniforms because it's school policy; second, it was an unexpected emergency and we couldn't do anything about it; and third, it's for our safety," Yaya explained, glaring daggers at Gopal. Gopal took a few steps back, gulping in fear.

"I don't see you trying to solve the emergency, Gopal," Ying said, rolling her eyes at him. "WE DON'T EVEN KNOW THE FREAKING EMERGENCY YING!" Gopal grumbled, causing Ying to choke him while shaking his body. "SHUT UP GOPAL!!"

Boboiboy sighed, "Aish really this knucklehead..."

"Yeah Gopal, we're all suffering haha" You spoke slowly and let out a soft but tiring laugh. Ying and Yaya approached you from opposite directions. Ying flinched back, holding your elbow. She cried out, "Y/N! You're burning!"

Yaya held your hand and stepped back, "Y/N, you're not looking too good..." She said with a worried look on her face. You both looked at them with heavy eyes and said, "Whaaat? No I'm nooot. I'm fiiiineee" Upon saying anything, your vision begins to blur and your body began to limp. You began to fall gradually.

The four friends began to panic as they called your name over and over again. You landed into a pair of strong arms that held you protectively, your back on a hard chest, before your body could fall to the ground. Boboiboy snatched you as you lost consciousness. Gopal grabbed your bag before you could fall into Boboiboy's arms.

The atmosphere was deafeningly quiet, given the two's minor feud. Gopal, Ying, and Yaya can't help but smile, despite the fact that the two haven't made any physical contact since the argument. Boboiboy was taken aback by his actions at first, which made him nervous, but he always prioritized you over all his worries.

"It's heatstroke.." Boboiboy mumbled as he looked at the others in worry.

"Oh no.." Ying and Yaya both looked at each other.

Boboiboy gulped nervously "Please take my bag, Gopal. We need to move her to a more shady location." The others nodded as he picked you up bridal style, protectively placing your head in his chest as he gently carried you. Gopal took his bag, your bag and Boboiboy's as everyone started heading for the park.

"You'll be okay Y/N.. Hang in there.." Boboiboy mumbled in his head as he began to worry even more.


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