The Greedy Shield - Chapter 23

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In the top of the manor with the view of the ocean, Marius took a break there as he admired the view. He then heard footstep coming from his side.

"Sir Marius." said Fohl.

"Fohl." said Marius.

"Master Naofumi requested everyone to gather at the dining hall."

"What for?"

"He said he has a special announcement to make."

"Very well."

The two then made their way to the dining hall.

"About that thing you told me back in Cal Mira?"


"I'm already doing it since before we met."

"I know. But I noticed how Atla would always try to get away from your sight."

"Well... Yes, she tends to do that."

"Then try harder but not too much. She'll resent you if you do. You do not want that."


After they reached the dining hall, both of them entered and Marius saw Naofumi, Raphtalia, the other heroes and all the other slave have gathered.

"Fashionably late as ever!" said Naofumi.

Marius noticed how strange the way Naofumi talked, "Should have told me sooner."

"Now then." Naofumi started speaking to everyone in the hall, "There as been a changed in plans in fighting the wave. A solution that will benefit us and the future."

Marius stood next to Raphtalia and crossed his arms.

"Marius. Have you noticed anything strange with Naofumi?" said Raphtalia.

"He talks in a strange manner. Did something happened to him?" said Marius.

"The royals, the nobles, the merchants and all the masses have become rotten since the beginning. Thus, they will perished during the wave and will be a burden for the strong ones!" said Naofumi.

Naofumi's speech shook everyone in the hall.

"So I have come to a conclusion... That we will be getting rid of all the rotten trash that lingered in this world! And have only the chosen people to fight the wave!"

"Master Naofumi!" Raphtalia exclaimed.

"Naofumi, this is not the way! We cannot betray those who have helped us!" Marius protested.

"Yes, we got help from outside source. But that doesn't mean they are worthy to me. So we must get rid of them."

"We cannot do this, Naofumi! The people depend on us!"

"You know what? I'm done talking to you." Naofumi held out his hand towards Raphtalia, "This world is now on my hands, and I will give half of it to you. Whattaya say? Wanna rule this world together?"

Raphtalia drew her sword out and pointed the blade at Naofumi, "This is not the Naofumi I know! Who are you and what have you done to him!"

"What? What are you saying, my favourite slave?"

"The Naofumi I know would never do such thing! Tell me, who are you!"

Marius drew his gladius at Naofumi's throat, "Answer her!"

"Why are you two doubting me?" said Naofumi.

"Atla!" Raphtalia called out for the slave, "Check this imposter!"

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