The Shield Legion - Chapter 09

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Marius, with his armor on and helmet on his arm, walked towards a field with a large number of soldiers gathered. There were multiple large tent erected in an order as the barracks and for storage. There, he saw the commander he met back at the castle.

"Sir Masked Hero." said the commander, "I hope the soldiers we brought here is up to your standards."

"Hardly... Gather all of them. I would like to inspect them first." said Marius.

The commander stepped forwards and commanded the soldiers to gather. They all ran towards the commander, some even stumbled upon each other.

"We have some recruits in the mix, if you don't mind."

The soldier have gathered infront of them. Marius looked at each and every soldier's face with cold stare.

"You." Marius pointed at one of the soldier, "Step forward."

The soldier took a few steps towards Marius before stopping.

"Do you know how to use your sword?"

"Yes sir." said the soldier.

"Then kill me."

Everyone was shocked by Marius's orders. The soldier looked left and right, wondering what to do.

"Well? Run the sword to my heart."

The soldier drew his sword and charged at Marius, but he smacked the soldier's face with his helmet and he fell to the ground. The soldier wiped the blood off his nose as he stood up. He pulled his sword back and swung it at Marius, but Marius grabbed the blade and headbutted the soldier to the ground.

Marius threw the sword back at the soldier as he laid down on the ground, "Pathetic. As brave as you all are, all of you are not ready for war! You will be slaughtered! And the monsters will feast on your flesh!"

That is why I will strip you of your armor so you will fight with your skin expose! I will take your weapons so you will fight with only your hands! You will earn your them back once you learn how to fight without them!"

I will not only prepare you for war! But I will make you accustomed to war! I make you as if you were born for war! War will be the end for all of you! War will be your final test! And war will be the one you will wait! But until then you are all but lowly plebs! Do I make myself clear!"

"Sir yes sir!" the soldiers roared.

"They're all yours now... Masked Hero." said the commander as he turned and walked away.

Marius looked at the commander before turning his head to the soldiers and nodded, "Welcome to the Shield Legion."


Without any armor and only their fist as their weapon, the loincloth wearing soldiers were paired up and spar with each other as their first training, with Marius overseeing their training. A soldier pinned one of his comrades and pummeled his face. Marius watches on until he realized the pinned one stopped struggling.

"Enough!" Marius shouted.

The soldier stopped his attack and stood up with his fist bloodied. The injured soldier face was covered with blood and was panting heavily.

"What are you doing?" said Marius.

"Fighing with our barehands. Like you ordered us to." said the soldier.

"Did I ordered that you may kill one your fellow soldier?"


"Then why did you?" Marius stepped closer to the soldier, "You want to kill him, didn't you?"

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