Heart of The Beast - Chapter 04

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With the magic ball of light conjured by Raphtalia to illuminated their way, the Shield Hero leads while the rest followed behind. The dark cave reminded Marius of the time he set his foot into this world. How much the darkness and the silence almost sent him to insanity. But now he is accompanied by his companions, which lessen his trauma while he held Filo's wing on his side.

"Marius?" said Filo.

"Nothing. Just let me hold you." said Marius, "I am not very fond of caves."

"Filo understand." she wrapped her wing around Marius and pulled him closer.

"Afraid of caves?" said Raphtalia.

"Last time I was in a cave, I nearly went insane." said Marius.

"... Okay."

They then entered large cave chamber with a huge sunken bolder in the middle.

"There's a monster over there!" Filo alerted the others as she pointed at the boulder.

The boulder then suddenly moved. They could see four reptilian limbs underneath it as it rose. It then stood up on two legs as its head emerged from its shell, revealing a monstrous horned head and it roared at the invading forces.

"Alright, there's on one here. We'll defeat and then observe the circumstances. You knights at the rear, pay attention!" said Naofumi.

Filo charged first at the monster and kicked it hard enough to sent it flying into the cave walls, cracking its shell. Raphtalia charged in and decapitated the beast with ease. Its severed head fell to the ground and its body violently swinging its claws blindly. Marius shielded Raphtalia from the claws with his spear raised. The body slowly looses its life and flopped to the ground, shaking the entire cavern.

"That was quite disappointing." said Raphtalia, swinging the blood off her sword.

Naofumi waited but there's was no familiar reinforcements or any trap triggered, "Doesn't seem like something else will pop up."

"Shield Hero." Shadow appeared out of nowhere with her knife drenched in blood.

"What the? What are you doing here?"

"I was sent to investigate this place according to the plan, I daresay."


"The vikings are still holding off the familiars from entering for now, I daresay. Other than that, the queen told me to ask the Shield Hero for orders, I daresay."

"The vikings will fight till their last breath. They'll give us enough time." said Marius.

"Yes. But some familiars are able to slipped through their defences and made its way here, I daresay."

"We still need to search the cave for the heart." said Naofumi. "We'll set up a base here. The knights will stay and guard this place while we search for the heart. Rishia, you wait here and fight with the knights if any monters got in."

"Understood!" Rishia replied timidly.

"Raphtalia, Filo and Marius. You three are searching with me. Filo, use your nose. We'll be relying on you."

"Okay! I'll do my best!" said Filo


After venturing deeper into the caves, the group found two paths.

"This is taking too long. We don't have much time left." said Naofumi as he grew impatient.

"May I suggest we split into two? It'll be alot faster that way." said Marius.

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