Morituri te Salutant - Chapter 16

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"The size is abnormal for a regular filolial egg. But otherwise, I see no disfiguration. So your egg is healthy." said Rato.

"What about the child inside?" said Filo.

"I could bring the egg to my lab so we examine the child's development."

"That will not be necessary." said Marius.

"Could you atleast do it for your child's sake?"

"Not on your hands. The egg must stay on the nest with the mother, that's the rule."

Rato gathered her equipments then got up, "I guess I'm done here. If there's anything else, you know where to find me."

She left Filo's room, leaving the new parent by themselves. Filo started singing the lullaby she heard from her mate. Marius entered her nest then placed his hand on the egg.

"I hope you're growing well inside. Me and your mother couldn't wait to see you." said Marius.

"Filo hope you came out handsome, like your father." said Filo.

"And I hope you are strong, like your mother."



"Do you think Aquila will get jealous?"

"Hopefully not. Now that you mentioned it, I haven't brought Aquila for a ride for awhile."

"You should. He's still our first child, you know."

"Then I must go." Marius kissed Filo's forehead, then he got up and leave the room.


Marius was walking towards the filolial ranch when Sadina approached him.

"So, how's the new father doing?" said Sadina.

"It as been easy since the worries are gone but I knew it won't be once it hatched." said Marius.

"Children are full energy but they can be sweet."

"I just hope this one doesn't have Filo's appetite."

"You sounded just like Naofumi. So where are you going?"

"I promised Filo I will take Aquila for a ride. She still think he's our first child."

"That silly bird. I have to return to the ocean. See you around, Marius." Sadina waved at Marius and went her seperated way.

Marius went to the barn then opened the large door and saw it was almost filled with filolial queens and regular filolials.

"Aquila!" Marius called out for the filolial.

Then all the filolials turned their heads towards Marius.

"Hi." said one of the filolial queen.

"Hi. Is Aquila here?" said Marius.

"No, we don't know any Aquila here." said one of the filolial queen.

"Right. I'll look somewhere else." Marius grabbed the large door, "Sorry for bothering you."

After closed the door, then suddenly realized there's alot of filolial queens inside. He quickly open the door again.

"Oh, it's that stranger again." said the same filolial queen.

"What are you doing here?" said Marius.

"Moto-kun brought us here." said another filolial queen.

"Who?" said Marius.

Then he heard a familiar voice. Marius pushed the filolials aside and saw Motoyasu snuggling with a different filolial queen.

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