precap ...bondita growing up

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As days pass by ...
Bondita Parth payal rudra Sonali nita geeta and their classmates had grown up they are no more child but had turned to teenagers ....

Bondita ..has grown upto the beautiful girl of all girls ..
Payal and all girls also look pretty

Boys had also grown up to have start having moustache ...

Frequently everything was changing in the surrounding ...
Not only their looks but the behaviour and feeling are also taking curves ...

Some were use to it ( Kisi Kisi ki APNI bhavanaye samjate the ) and didn't know what's going on with them...( Aur kisko kisko Kuch samj nhin ata tha ki unke sath kya ho Raha hai..)

As bondita has grown up ...will she asks for the answers she is looking for since her childhood ...
Why Anirudh had broke their marriage ....was it necessary to break marriage to become a barriester...
Why was it so important to be alone in the path without you barriester babu?
Will she get her Answers or ... misunderstanding will take place between them ..what if they misunderstood each other and. Someone's take the place they had for each other in their hearts ....?

Anidita  ...a new beginning (On Hold)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें