precap ...anirudh is lost

561 39 6


before i start i want to convey something to you 

" india is not india before independance it was called as bhaarat or hindustan ,


but my dear readers,

writing hindustani or bharatvasi is too long so please forgive me , i had used india and indian as a replace for them ...

hope you all will forgive me and continue with the words ...

noe lets move towards our precap ...


 one lady shouted - how dare you to beat him ...

person - he was a low caste man ...

one lady - so what isnt he a human ...

this conversation was going on but someone was busy staring her 

that was none other than anirudh roy choudhary ...

he just gets mesmerized by her beauty and her passion by which she was fighting for someone who was a low caste person...


anirudh to himself - wow what a lady ...

strong ferce and with a bold nature ...

not only with her brain but her beauty too ...

her eyes , lips cheeks and voice beautiful...

not only her physique but her heart is beatuiful...

precap ended...
Please do read below👇

but a note for my readers ...

dear readers , 

are you not satisfied with the content i provide .🙁

i feel so because of low votes and comments 😳

your comments are my motivation ...

as i said you before too that your comment encourage me ...

your comments being an encouragment made me to make time for typing stories from my hectic schedule of college as well as internships [2] ...🙂

i feel like you just read it , doesnt enjoy reading my story so please do comments ...😔

your every comment whether it be a negative or positive it will be accepted by me and answered by me 😊

do inline comments too ....🙏

your faithful 😇

author [ me ]


Anidita  ...a new beginning (On Hold)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें