ch 54 - surprise I

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                             morning VRG asked the two other ladies to be sitted in the cart , they are taken to their surprise today...

VRG- hey girls , now without any interrogation just get sited in the cart with your luggage 

you are taken to your surprise today , and i had some work here in calcutta so i will be joining after some days , whereas your dearly brother is continuing his ride through the country ...

the lady - okay uncle we will be ready in some time and leave with your guards ...

but will you state us where we are taken to ...

VRG- ms beautiful please have some patience in you ...

you will be taken there , and i know you will love the place,

and one more thing , the place where you two are taken is gift from my side to you 

and after reaching there , you will received by a man who is a care taker of the place , he is an indian and one more thing he will handover you the next surprise for you two darlings ...

the other lady - hey beautiful come na we will be leaving sooner , i cant wait to see  the surprise gifted to you and the  surprise for us two ....

after some time both ladies leave for the surprise ...

they started their journey with their luggages ...

after some time ,

they were entering a village when the lady stopped the cart ..

the lady - hey , do you want to enjoy the journey , from now onwards i am walking through the village ,

it will be very exciting to watch the scenerio around 

will you like to join me ...

the othert lady- hey but we dont know how much far is the destination , 

if it is too far then ,

the lady - hey dont be a idiot , if we get tired we will again be sitted in the cart ..

stop i will ask the frontier guard he knows where is our destination ..


how much far is the place from here [ to frontoier guard ]

the friontier guard - not much far , in the same village only but at the center of it we are jusrt entering in the village yet mam

the lady - see he said not much far and in the same village ...

if you like to join me then come or else i will aone have a ride through the village ...

the other lady - no no i will join you, i also had get bored of this tiring journey of hours 

wait for me , i just climbed down ...

she forwards the hand for the other lady to climbed down 

both asks to frontier guard to let go the cart to the destination and they will came after roaming around the village ...

frontier narrates the cart driver the place and other guard to take the horce with them as the ladies are walking , he will top accompany them and guard as well as guide them to the place ...

Anidita  ...a new beginning (On Hold)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें