promo....bondita in danger

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someone informs her that she had been called in the lab and its urgency so she should leave the class and rush there she hurriedly leaves class alone ....

when she enters lab there are fumes which make her feel dizzy and she is loosing consiousness...

someone enters the lab and closes the door ...

he comes near bondita and with an evil intention looking her ...

she is not in condition to fight against it but still try to oppose him but didn't as the fumes had intoxicated her  ...

he touches her and for opposing him she just throws the equipments on him...

Will bondita be saved by someone ...
Or may she will have to suffer from assault...
Will she recover from this ...
What will happen if this comes to know to Anirudh ..
How will he react ..
Whether calm down her or punishing him....


Stay tuned and continue to read...further

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Hope you all are fine ...
Stay safe stay at home ....


Anidita  ...a new beginning (On Hold)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें