promo..."anirudh-bondita" revealed

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due to sam's evil ploys the name written on bondita hand gets revealed ...

everyone laughs upon her ...insults her ...

anirudh protects her ...

she faces breakdown but stood confidently before everyone ...

next time when sam tries to insult her again she confess that she loved anirudh ...

Did Anirudh accept bondita as her to be wife or accept bonditas love ...

Will he able to know about the feelings of bondita ...

What will be his reaction upon it...

How will be every one reacting upon it....

Stay tuned for more details

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And I will respond to every comment , I promise...


Thank you for 11.1 k views and 1.2 k votes ...

Thanks for your appreciations ...


A very big thank you for loving and. Supporting my story and take it on #13 place on colors...

On this perspective i assure everyone that I will try my best to make story more interesting , adventurous and yes pit some social norms too...

I assure my readers that I will definitely reply on their every comment ..

~~ your sincerely


Anidita  ...a new beginning (On Hold)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें