Ch 22- rudra and bondita

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After payal  Parth and bondita return to classroom rudra rushes to them and asks bondita is she fine and she happily nods in yes ...

Seeing her happy not only anirudh but rudra too gets happy ..

As she is only sitting and watching ..rudra cheers her up by cracking  joke and teasing her ...

Anirudh here seeing them like that gets anger ...( This his start for jeolousy but he is not fully jeolous as he knows the fact that they are of the same age and friends too...)

After seeing bondita happy and smiling his anger calms down but still he sits beside her and asks her to read books by borrowing it from library..which will increase her reading ability and Vocabulary too..

On next two day .. bondita is now able to walk so she goes to library .. following her rudra also joins her ...rudra na dbondita borrow some stuff of books ...rudra instead of borrowing study books he borrows story books and magazines

Bondita borrows study books like encyclopedia...

They both reach  in practice room ...

Anirudh smiles that his idea of reading books is keeping the conversation of rudra and bondita  banned for some time...

As in practise sessions bags are not allowed to kept in ...

Whenever she wants something like water bottle or anything else ...
Rudra doesn't let her do ...and he instead get of and help her
She feels very delighted on the change behaviour of rudra ...

Soon the annual takes place ...and days pass by ...all gets promoted to next class that is they enter in matrix year ( 10 th) ..

Bondita has grown up a little taller girl ...she looks pretty ...
Her beauty attracts everyone ...which makes everyone stare at her but no boy fare to stare her in front rudra ha supto yet had fully in love with her. And someone looking her is totally out of his limit ....

Because of her free nature her thoughts and the way she treats him ...he get engrossed in love with her but for bondita she only think that she is changing a person
She used to teach him how to behave to speak properly without hurting anyone ..and many more...

He happily used to change himself as like Bondita wishes to be for him his love is saying him or ordering him to do so...

One day class teacher announces ...

Class tecaher announces that as they are in matrix year they are Ben visiting for historical tour ...and as the place so big and surrounded they are been touring for 3days at least ....

She announces that they are visiting to a palace which is under British government now had three large parks surrounded with lakes ..
So they will stay there ..

She also says that all teachers are coming  with them ..and they will not have any problem there as they will staying in a comfortable hotel near by ...

All gets very excited ask her when they will be going and will they should start packing bags or not ...

She says yes you should start packing as you have only two days to leave ...

All students in excitement shout and gossip with each other ....

Here Parth payal bondita and rudra too discuss about there tour and plan many things to do all over there journey and tour ....

As rudra was the only heir ...his grandfather never said no to anything...
Before going to tour he asks his grandfather for hand camera as they are going for tour and he have to capture his memories ...

In one day ..he gets the hand camera and becomes happy that they will be taking pictures and will have memorise captured that they are going to make in the tour and he also gets happy as he thinks he will have a picture of bondita and him at last ...after many days and he also thinks that he will never miss this opportunity as it might happen that this opportunity may again came or not when he happily can click photo with her without any reason ....

Anidita  ...a new beginning (On Hold)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें