ch 59 payesh

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                            's pov 

everyone gets sitted to the sits , bony and Arya gets sitted on the sits alloted by sampurna ma ...
Soon every one's dinner was done and bondita asks bihari babu to serve payesh to everyone ..
Soon every one is tasting payesh prepared by bony except bon .
Kaka eyes become moist where as Anirudh is shock and stuck there only .

Bon pov

I don't know hows it is , but the rrascti are weird Sakha babu is giving blank expression and Kaka eyes are moist ..I don't understand how's it , if it was good then Kaka would have appreciated me but and neither he is saying anything ..maybe considering me as a guest they are not giving any reaction ...
Some body say please ...

" Itni achi payesh apne banana kaha se sikha to bohot acha hai " jaya boudi said giving me a sigh of relief.

bons pov end 

anirudh pov 

when i taken the first bite of payesh i was awestruck , shock and stunned . every emotion was rushing towards me , i observed everyone's reaction on it kaka was having moist eyes , som was just relishing the taste silently baba was having blank face whereas sampurna ma was not redictable at all . i know why this such reactions are all having , because it tastes the same taste when bondita used to prepare payesh , yes she was teached by kaka only but the taste was wonderful and after years we are reliving the taste again . i was lost in my thoughts when i snapped out by jaya . 

Itni achi payesh apne banana kaha se sikha to bohot acha hai" jaya said .

yes she should be given the appreciations at last she had done the hard work for preparing it , i dont know but why i feel so there is soething which is hidden from everyone . her language , tone , her living standard and now her cooking everything seems as if she was grown and brought up here only . yes i know arya said that day she was here in india upto her teens so she is capable of it but still my heart is not ready to accept this truth as truth , it seems as if soething is covered in this truth but now let it be she is just my student in the firm , why to search for her personal being , when it will be needed i will definitely go in deep, but now let it be . 

" yes , it really  is really delicious ." i appreciated her , as if waiting for my praising only , her eyes twinkled , but why suddenly doesnt jaya's compliment matter to her or she was waiting for my appreciations . everything seems to be in mist which has a lot of questions but answers are  behind the mist .

"you know sir her every prepared dish is delicious , you should taste it . you know she used to prepare this dish ...." arya was saying something when bony stopped her.  what was she going to say that bony stopped her in between , and what does it mean by used to prepare when she was in london then who might be eating indian foods there , oh you dumbo , what kaka says is correct in doing barriestery , i usually the cross the level , for whom , for her family only she may be preparing , yes i remember his brother and sister in law . i think i should go with the flow instead of thinking much .

" arya dont talk much while eating , first eat then you can have conversation "  oh that means she was just warning her from sudden posibilities , yes now i am definitely overthinking . but the only thing is kaka doesnt appreciated yet why , this is so unusual .

after our whole dinner fiasco we headed towards living room , everyone got sitted .

" bony beti jara yaha ana " kaka called bony .

" ji kaka " she answered kaka .

" ye lo " kaka after taking out some money ,forwarded it her . but its so unusal kaka giving money that to guest like blessing . but yes it is also unusal that some guest had brought something from her own that too after spending years in abraod .  

" par main " she was hesitated a bit .

" tumne kaha tha na pita saman hu , to pita ko na nhi kehte " i dont know this conversation of theirs but seems like they have met before too .

Anidita  ...a new beginning (On Hold)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें