ch 51 - laughing charlie

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bondita slightly removes her head from her lap and places a pillow and comes out ..

everyone is looking her happily whereas daniel is with moist eyes ..

daniel - thank you dear ...

i dont have words for you .

i had seen my daughter smiling after so many days or i should say years.

bondita - no uncle there is no need of thanks ..

as i am friend of peter no best friend of peter , then its my duty too to make him or his family smile if i can do it ...

i am really happy that i had made charlie or a girl smile ..

daniel-- will you be my daughter ms bony.

i mean to say can i call you as my daughter if you dont have any problem .

bondita - yes uncle why not ..

i had lost my dad at early age but see my fate i got three dad personalities one was my uncle who two considered me as there as daughter who is in india now and second was payals father and third one is you .see how lucky i am i had two fathers in india and other is of london ..

bondita has tears in her eyes

she bows down and touches feet of daniel .

peter - what are you doing bony

daniel - peter she is giving fatherly love and asking for blessing ..

indians usually touch their elders feet for blessing

but bony dear you dont need to do this and this is first and last time you are touching my feet .

bondita comes up and smiles ..

daniel - dear will you do a favour for me ?

bondita - uncle youb said me daughter then do a father need favour from daughter ..instead they order or command them ...

an she smiles ..

daniel - bony dear charlie is unwell after the incident which has taken place two years ago ..

after that day neither she had smiled nor had responded to anybody like she had today hold your hand ..

will you come daily for her just for some time so that in your presence may be get cured from her trauma ..

bondita - why not uncle ..

after college i will come here with peter and thgen will return to my stay .

daniel - thank you dear

bondita - no formalities uncle please

albert - so as my father had accepted you as his daughter , then you will be my small sister

welcome home my dearest siso..

bondita - thanks bhaiya

albert - what ?

what do you call me confuse look

bondita - i said bhaiya which means brother in english

Anidita  ...a new beginning (On Hold)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें