promo.... Anirudhs restlessness

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At tour

When they are visiting each and every place rudra and bondita were clicking photos in a pair ...

Where as Anirudh gets jeolous as he had not not clicked any photo except the photo in which bondita has weared the barriester black attire. ..
Neither she showed the interest to him to click photos ...nor she posed like this before ...

Will Anirudh let her click further more photos or anger or. Jeolusy reveal the the truth ...
If he reveal the truth what will be the consequences arise..
And how will he handle it...

Will bondita able to watch Anirudh fuming in jeolousy and anger ....

Stay connected ..and

Sorry as my SEM exams and Vivas are going to take place from tomorrow I will not be able to post daily ...
But I assure I will upload a chapter in two days ...

Share your views and vote if u liked ...
Comment to get me know that what are your suggestions and reviews ...


The most important ...

Stay safe ...stay at home ...
As the pandemic is going really very harsh ...please be careful and take care of your own self and your family...


Anidita  ...a new beginning (On Hold)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें